A-Stormrage <One Night Affair> One night a week AOTC focused guild

Had some changes so we are once again looking for a couple more DPS

Discord request sent ^^

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Great! thanks for reaching out.

Np man yw.

Few DPS spots left. Come get your AOTC with us!

Still looking for a few more Melee dps.

A few spots left on out 30 man roster

Now looking for one more healer in addition to a few more DPS.

Still have a few more slots open, come check us out.

hello there. ele/resto shaman looking for guild to play with

LF a WW or a rogue

Also high prio on an enh shaman

Full on healers. Thanks for checking us out!

Bumping hype.

Still need an aug and a rogue

Stìll need another bump.

Just saying lucast your transmog is horrible. We gotta work on that.

need healer and a rogue

Now also looking for a mage (or really any ranged dps)

Yo we had like 3 mages 2 weeks ago, what happened.