A-Stormrage <One Night Affair> One night a week AOTC focused guild

I’m interested, sent a Discord f/r

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Need a healer

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Hi Harladar. Add me on discord Lucast0562

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Bumping is best. Unlike your mog.

8/9H. Need a healer and WW

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Still LF healer and WW

Great M+ community here, as well!

Lucast’s mog does suck. We can’t all be like me.


Bumping is fun. Please join us healers and monks. Lucast needs you. I need you.

New Year’s bump

New new years bump.

Interested! I’ll hit you up this afternoon when I’m off work

Lucast this bump is for you.

season 4 bump

Bump for the Bump God.

Recruiting for WW starting! lets get itttttttt.

Come raid with a great team

No one reads these bump posts so I can finally admit I just love Call Me Mayby.

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I bump for lucast

Read it gwen

Bump it up