A-Stormrage <One Night Affair> One night a week AOTC focused guild

Lucast wtf man dont need to @me like that

See what I mean? Please help replace kallak :stuck_out_tongue:

One of the best things about our guild is that our GM is really really good at pronouncing and spelling players’ names. Come get AOTC with us!

Would love a few more.

He also reminds us to not hold cds. What a man.

bumps are fun

Lies bumps are not fun

bumps are the most fun Kellak

Indeed they are

Hello, I tried to message Lucast on discord, but could not figure out how to make it work as a non friend. I am Trenatra-Stormrage. I play a preservation evoker with a 437 item level. I have cleared normal and heroic Aberrus with my current raid team. I am looking to join a new raid team that raids on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays sometime between 8pm to midnight eastern time and typically clears at least normal and possibly also heroic raids (or just heroic raids). I would also potentially be interested in healing dungeon runs sometimes on weekends if I find a guild to join that does that (currently I clear 11s in pug groups pretty consistently) . I plan to join the team’s guild after we agree that it will work for me to raid with you for a while, but would like to join you at least a couple of times before switching guilds. you can reach me at btag Qiane#1237.

Season 3 starting soon! Come get your raid spot!!

Season 3 hype! Also lucast paid me for this bump

Gotta friend him and if you dont like em just unfriend him

Kellak is 2nd best Warlock in the guild

Looking for more, come check us out.

Full on Hunters? I have a 437 BM hunter looking for a long term home for 10.2 and 11.0

We only have 1 hunter atm. Feel free to add me on discord to chat. Lucast#0562

What’s your healer core looking like? Any spot for a holy paladin (flex ret)?

Holy Paladin is one of our top priorities. Would love to chat.

Contact Lucast on Discord

Still looking for more.