A-Stormrage <One Night Affair> One night a week AOTC focused guild

One Night Affair is an AOTC focused guild raiding only 1 night a week.

Raid times: Tuesday night 8:30-11:30 EST.

OPTIONAL night Thursday 9-11 EST for those looking to do a little more.
Many Mythic+ KSM minded players.

All Dragonflight heroic raids cleared. AOTC in all seasons. All fated raids cleared on Heroic.

Nerub-ar Palace
8/8N 8/8H

Raid Leader is a former mythic and CE player. The majority of the guild members are former mythic raiders looking for a more casual approach to the game. We will focus on using our limited time with efficiency and effectiveness, while maintaining a fun stress free environment.

Either faction is fine. Off server is fine , as long as, you join the guild.

Liberation of Undermine. Recruitment is currently opened for all classes and roles .

Contact Lucast0562 on Discord


great guild

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Still loking for more. Raid team is looking good!

Bump it up

Come join us

bump the guild

Still need a few more

Bump ittt.

Hello all, does the team still need a Tank and healer by chance?

I meant to post on my main! Sorry about that.

Currently full on heals and tanks

We have a group of 5 or 6 with similar interests looking for a guild. Extensive raid experience. AOTC through various expansions, some of us w/ have played a bit of mythic content. We like to maximize our time and compete within our group. All adults and friendly, willing to help out. Big ol’ phat deeps :slight_smile:

Here’s what we got (and alts we can play):

Enhance Sham
Rogue/War (prot/fury)

Feel free to add me or PM me if you think we’ll fit. Love to talk if you have any questions!


Great guild. Would like a few more

Hey! I’m very interested in a good one night option!

I am a BM Hunter 378, with a Frost Mage alt (361). I have been playing since 2006, and raiding since BC.

I have achieved AoTC/KSM each season I have been active for, and am looking for a place to continue on!

Btag is Fetty#11273

Hope to hear from you!

Great guild. Still looking for more.

I’m interested, just made a post regarding what I’m looking to do. 390 holy Paladin. I’ll reach out tomorrow but posting as a reminder.

Thank you.

I am in a very casual guild, I have always been a raider (rest is a means to an end which is raiding) and I play BM (because you play what you like)…do you guys have need for a raid aware (I will never be the guy that wipes or stresses healers out cause 'parses;)

@ madlight / @cabronsote

Would love to talk about our guild. Discord Lucast#0562

Discord friend request sent. Your raid times are perfect for me.

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Still LF a mage. Other classed listed above