Honestly with the dark Nauru anything can happen we have a holy Nathrezim. I would assume this would be a volunteer thing like demon hunters, and much like the demon hunters you have success and failures but that doesn’t stop them.
there is another problem about dark naruu’s that I just remembered, they are not a natural occurrence, they can only be created by peoples interference with a naruu’s natural life cycle.
Yeah we could use other void creatures, but for it to have the same impact as the ritual it has to be a powerful one like the dark naru’s and summoning and controlling them easily would trivialize a void expansion. So I am gonna have to disagree on this approach.
Would be cool to have different version of the floaty dark naaru things that come with their heritage armor, but as permanent floating dark naaru shards as part of their customization…idk how to better explain this.
Yes they are, it’s just extremely rare.
you are again extremely wrong. Please reread the lore before making such ignorant responses.
you mean like the keal’thas floaty orbs?
L’ura naturally fell from Light to Void.
I’m not the one giving ignorant responses, you are.
There’s also this from TBC:
Q: What is the nature of the Void state of the Na’aru? For a being of the Light, turning into such a dark being seems like a heavy weakness. Sucking in souls and causing destruction simply because of a loss in strength greatly diminishes their saintly image. Though, this might be a reason they don’t act in combat very much, as turning on your army due to fatigue wouldn’t be good for morale.
A: Because three cases of this “cycle” have been demonstrated in Nagrand, Auchindoun, and Sunwell Plateau (K’ure, D’ore, and M’uru, respectively), players may have received the wrong impression with regard to the magnitude and rarity of these events: it is EXCEEDINGLY rare for a naaru to fall into a void state, and even rarer for a fallen naaru to be brought back into the Light. A naaru’s fall into the void represents a catastrophic loss for the naaru and for the forces of the Light, and it is the saddest, most heart-wrenching event for the naaru to witness. Conversely, a naaru being reborn into the Light brings renewed hope and sense of purpose to every naaru; if energy beings could weep tears of joy, this would do it.
Well like the ones on their heritage armor, and you could choose different shapes.
Except they wouldnt be limited to armor and rather be a customization
L’ura actually did not, she fell to the void by over using it’s power in an attempt to protect the dreanei along with it being imprisoned. There was nothing natural about that.
Dungeon Journal:
“When Velen and his followers fled Argus aboard the Genedar, the naaru L’ura stayed behind to buy the draenei time to escape. Kil’jaeden, enraged by this betrayal, ordered the wounded naaru sealed away in the Seat of the Triumvirate. Over the long millennia that passed, L’ura fell from Light to Void. Her elegant song of courage and hope became a shadowy dirge of despair, luring those seeking to lay claim to her power.”
Locus-Walker says: It is rare that a naaru falls into Void this way. The few cases I know of have occurred when mortals were involved. What fascinating implications…
When Velen and his followers fled Argus aboard the Genedar, the naaru L’ura stayed behind to buy the draenei time to escape. Kil’jaeden, enraged by this betrayal, ordered the wounded naaru sealed away in the Seat of the Triumvirate. Over the long millennia that passed, L’ura fell from Light to Void. Her elegant song of courage and hope became a shadowy dirge of despair, luring those seeking to lay claim to her power.
It seem like it was over time and not over using it power, unless I’m missing something?
You dont get it.
They need this space. What else do they talk about really? Like they live to camp in these threads day in and day out.
Bless their little hearts. Dont take this away from them. Let them feel alive when they can.
Can we all just take a moment to marvel at the glorious typo someone made earlier when they wrote thigh elves instead of high elves?
Look up dark naaru here;
When they are wounded they bleed out their energy and turn into the darkened states of becoming a dark naaru. In other words it is from external sources that causes it tot happen, which once again is not natural to a naaru life cycle.
Lore is leaving this info out to try to get a “gotcha” moment from me.
I’mma gonna have to find out where.
Edit: it was the picture wasn’t it? lmfao
Somehow that still = stealing from Blood Elves. Even if they using regular hair styles inherited from Night Elves or Humans. Nevermind the fact that other races use regular hair styles such as Blonde/Red etc.
Even the other Alliance Elf race received a regular hair tone in the updates. Night Elves can have a Ginger/Blonde type of hair color.
Nothing is regular about void elves.
Except their new skin tone options and eye colors.
blue eye color matches the theme, skin colors is a legitimate complaint BE can make, but as long as there is some form of void curruption, it needs to show on the player charecter. Go get your HE somewhere else ya troll.
It’s still a blue eye color. Not sure where you’re seeing “Void Corruption” with that however. And they also got that new purple eye color that blood elves also got.
Sure. I’m the Troll.
It’s from void walker art;
It fits with them since the concept is there. Also the reason why BE got the eyes colors is for them not to complain about alliance getting “HE” which is silly, but I get what they are talking about. The blue eyes also is not the same shade as the npc’s
You keep posting the same stuff over and over again because you want VE’s to be your discount HE, ya I am gonna call you out on it.