A simple void elf request

They didn’t exist pre-Wrath. Lorewise they didn’t exist yet, and out of game they hadn’t been conceived yet. They were retconned into existence by Blizz in Wrath for whatever reason. Blame them.

Yes. The Silver Covenant is Alliance leaning. This is a cold, hard fact. Anyone who doesn’t realize it is just blinded by bias.


Yes. However they’re Alliance-leaning citizens of a neutral faction and anyone who doesn’t realise that, I would argue is just as blinded. That’s their whole thing, that they want to push Dalaran to re-join the Alliance. But Dalaran is neutral and it doesn’t look likely to give that up with ya boi in charge.


I maybe didn’t make it clear enough in my post, but this is what I meant.

They’re not Alliance members, but they’re not equally friendly to the Horde either.

They’re neutral with an Alliance bias.

Do the neutral dance!


[Cries in non-neutral Ebon Blade]


Cries in non-neutral Illidari.

(Somand here)


[Cries in non-neutral Kirin Tor]


Me too!

(This is Somand)


sentinels and dark rangers dont really have any big moments in the legion hunter campaign. at least nothing even close to recovering thasdorah together and pledging themselves to the unseen path, the aforementioned never have a moment like that so perhaps only a few exceptional individuals were recruited by the unseen path. but hey i found this clip showing halduron and vereesa standing together like old buddies! remember at suramar she refused to stand with the blood knights/magisters, but here its like farstriders are considered family still. all too proud to stand next to halduron. kind of neat

do you they have a connection like this with anyone in the alliance :thinking:

There is more servers that are international then oceanic. The Asian servers cannot be accessed by the USA for some. Also what your saying is indeed biased.

Entitlement doesn’t mean you should treat others as dirt. That is plain wrong and is under the definition of discrimination.

Campaigning? Interesting choice of words, I didn’t realize allowing someone to choose their hair color is campaigning.
If anything for the last 3-4 years all you’ve been doing was campaigning against people who want anything high elf-related, and you choose to die on this hill of hair colors (that most alliance races already have).
Meanwhile you’ve actually put little to no effort into requesting anything for blood elves and nightborne, which was met with -> getting almost nothing for blood elves and nightborne at the start of SL. :clap: Shocker.

I’d like for you to elaborate on these double standards you speak of? Like I said, simply pointing to something and saying “pesky double standard” just because we disagree sounds pretty close-minded of you.

Indeed, perhaps you should work on that.


You stroke each others egos with this obnoxious nonsense lol


That post started off with the OP being like that, correct.

The actual discussion devolved quickly into what is acceptable for void elves.

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This thread devolved into high elf fans trying to hijack void elves and destroy Blood Elves.


Hijack void elves? This thread is literally called “a simple void elf request”, it’s in the title.
Pretty sure blood elves will still thrive after void elves get new hair colors lol.



Are you seeing something wrong with the word campaigning LOL. When that is exactly what you and others are doing for hair, and it’s also what you do when you push the narrative that antis are weird and irrational for wanting that distinction left in place because you like Midare pointed out can’t see past what pushes your angle / narrative because you’re yes *campaigning.

This is literally just somebody saying something lol.

Sort of like this?

Two people / multiple people are discussing the SC.

Where are you getting these numbers from?

Can we say the pros are only 5 people now too? The discord is what 800 ish?

I don’t think Blizzard is going to kneel to a total of 805 people. See how that works?

But what I will be serious about and point out now why would Blizzard award the same community three times when it’s already given compromises twice? They have other fans to think of, BE fans for one who value distinction.


Kinda feel like that moment was the Skintones.

I don’t think that will do anything useful.

Minor correction.

I’ve posted a list I compiled for void elves.

The blood elf compilation of requested customization being thrown around was made by another.

Widely because of pros…

Both sides derail the threads and you need to accept that that is the case.

Either way you cant ignore that plenty of people offered up options for blood elves and void elves in that thread and every other.

They’ve done so here several times but like I said there is a great deal of differing opinions on what they should get that would be appropriate.


I don’t think Blizzard will kneel to 5 people who are anti-everything, as we’ve seen with void elves getting high elf options already.

And honestly if these 5 people quit over void elves getting a hair color, good riddance.

News at 11, no one really concerns themselves with what others are playing, YOU’RE the vocal minority.


Oh sure, despite the “anti-squad” making up for approximately 90% of the posts in this thread, a void elf thread. Yikes


Maybe if the op and his spammy two best friends had kept to the high elf Megathread that folks have muted it wouldn’t have gotten the attention it did.


Like where are they getting their numbers is my thing.

Are we just making up numbers now?