A simple void elf request

I might have been a fan growing up and I might have been a fan of the Edward ship

But Jacob always had his shirt off! Plus I couldn’t stop seeing Edward as Cedric from Harry Potter.

Would you like some more NaCl with your salt?
Sorry if my differing opinion makes you mad. But hey it’s nice to see you actually show your true colors. It’s probably conveniently going to get ignored though because you have your little anti-squad to cheer for you.

Oh please, there has barely been any. This is just flat out lying.
Maybe you guys would have actually achieved something for blood elves and nightborne if you weren’t so keen to safeguard hair colors.

Instead were stuck with abominations that dont even look like nightborne, and blood elves with triangular hair and flimsy jewelry.

Oh no, it absolutely doesn’t.


I found it.


I would just like to have a tunic option for the Nightborne heritage armor set. They gave the blood elf heritage set that option. Why not Nightborne?


You just provided the worst example, that thread is just a bunch of people bickering over void elves, just like this one (although at least the title is appropriate here)


That post I linked to has a huge list of things people have asked for with regards to Blood Elves. It totally debunks the claim that no one has asked for things for Blood Elves.

This thread is also a bunch of greedy people bickering with people who want to preserve Blood Elves. You don’t get to dismiss that thread in this thread. It’s just as bad if not worse.

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The post they linked is a whole lot of blood elf requests compiled into a cohesive list.

It’s literally what you were asking for…

Many of the people here who you say never offer options for blood elves contributed…

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SC arent a race and they are neutral. not by choice but by extension of being part of the kirin tor and dalaran and the reason you dont see it is because you are biased and have an agenda

you guys always deliberately misrepresent the SC

they are just farstrider deserters who had been fighting the scourge this entire time, fought a civil war, and are now being asked to leave and support the horde in northrend. this would be seen as a betrayal by the farstrider types and some even left to join the kirin tor and vereesa in dalaran possibly after hearing about them trying to reestablish relations with the magisters(who were supporters of silvermoons alliance with the horde) who they no longer trust

they dont care about the alliance. dalaran gave them a home and now they want to protect it from possible treachery. what else makes sense for their existence and where they came from? and remember this is the canonical status of alliance high elves pre wrath

However, a few high elves did not rename themselves blood elves…high elf remnants have chosen to rejoin the Alliance in recent years, arriving to a cold reception. Modern high elves are a rare sight, and are commonly mistaken for blood elves. In consequence, there are very few high elves left on Azeroth today. High elves did not gather in any significant numbers and are a very small group of individuals.

isnt this great? i love that i can cite this. if the SC were ‘always alliance’ then where they hell were they? there would certainly be more then the 2 easter eggs and they wouldnt be such a rare sight that they get mistaken for blood elves and probably would have been a core alliance race in vanilla


What does this even mean?

The way you speak about / never miss an opportunity to show your disdain for the opposing side, and purposely misconstrue antis position on the topic because you refuse to accept natural hair options on a VE makes you look like a BE. Yet you can’t handle mild sarcasm at best?

As I see you ignored the posts above pointing out that you’re wrong with peoples lack of suggestions, I just want to also add you seem to forget the idea of visual distinction being upheld is also a win so there is that no matter how small I thought I’d remind you here :hugs:


Is there still really a debate over the allegiance of the Silver Covenant?

Which faction has the ability to earn reputation with them?

Are horde players able to use their tabard and mounts?


Out of all the different faction specific subfactions in the game, only the Silver Covenant are held to this bizarre standard. They’re somehow “neutral” or not Alliance because they will sometimes work with others or might not show up much for 1 or 2 expansions. Okay? So what? Why are only the Silver Covenant held to this standard?

The Cult of the Forgotten Shadow haven’t done much in a while. How about the Sunwalkers? They really haven’t had a big role lately. What about the Shattered Hand? Pretty irrelevant! I guess it’s safe to say they’re no longer part of the Horde.

As for them working with other factions (especially in Legion) so what? Look how many other faction specific class groups did the same thing. If the Silver Covenant are “neutral” because of their role in the Hunter’s Class hall then so are the Night Elf Sentinels, Forsaken Dark Rangers & Blood Elf Farstriders. They were all part of that together.


The Sethrak, the Unshackled and the Waveblade were all clearly neutral, even if they leaned one way. Yet they were all faction locked.

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I’m not sure its that so much.

Its that they wont likely join the Alliance proper because they’re attached to Dalaran which is neutral.

As a faction they’re tied to it and thus… stuck there?

The other few High Elven holdouts spread about are hardly unified and as a result they’re not likely to join as their own group either.


Would you like a go at the Hand of Argus too?

The priests of Northshire?

How about the Explorers League?

You know what they don’t have in common with the SC though? They’re not tied to a (generally) neutral government separate from either the Alliance or Horde.

They’re not tied to a neutral faction…

Again I think you missed the point of what, at least some of us, were saying.


Short ears actually clip through certain helmets and hoods, sadly :frowning: But my main is a Half Elf, so having short ears is a must.

Would be one of those very kind gestures if Blizzard would give us high elves. Would put in a lot of goodwill with the community. Very low cost, only swallowing some pride.

Give Blood Elves Light Tentacles or red eyes as a compromise.

Sorry you can’t see your own double standards.

True colors? I’ve always been unapologetically straightforward regardless of cheering or not.

Also, telling you to improve on something it’s not a bad thing.

No, you acting as if there hasn’t been any, it’s you being dishonest.

Fen himself compiled a whole list of things for blood elves that he has posted several times (in this very thread as well if I remember correctly, but I might be wrong as I’m too lazy to scroll up).

Nightborn don’t need only new customizations, they need a whole re-work, this is common knowledge and even I have said it several times here and in other thread.

In the other hand, you continue treating hair colors as something that is not important, while campaining for them as if they were the most important thing ever.

See, this is what I mean about those pesky double standards, you clearly can’t see them, but it’s clear as day to me and many others.

Self-reflection it’s a great thing to practice.

They gave us High Elves back in 2006.


It would cause a bunch of bad will amongst the players of one of the most popular races and cause mass unsubscription at a time when numbers are way down.

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High Elves with a brand new model and animations would be fine for me honestly. But copy+pasting more Blood Elf stuff to the Alliance would feel like a slap in the face.


First off I never said they were Alliance, I said they were always Alliance leaning, which is true. In any conflict that represents both Horde and Alliance they are always on the side supporting the Alliance. Do to the fact their very formation was created to keep the Horde out of Dalaran. When that didn’t work it was to police the Horde in Dalaran. This tells me they are not all that neutral. Yet seeing as how they are neutral go to Northrend Dalaran and start earning some of that Neutral Silver Covenant rep on one of your Horde Blood Elfs or other horde character. Please post the evidence when you have reached exalted and have unlocked the tabard on your Blood Elf, or really any Horde character. I mean being that they are neutral that shouldn’t be a problem.

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