A simple void elf request

Use your context clues.

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Its always confidential. You don’t share peoples personal information regardless of if they’ve mentioned it before or not.

Its not yours to share.

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If it means “name”, then you’ve been answered as well.

That’s actually not true, even in legal terms. Once you make something public, it stops being confidential.

Plus, we’re talking about a first name. It wasn’t a problem when were friends, and now all of sudden it’s a dilemma?


:clap: Never :clap: use :clap: people’s :clap: real :clap: names :clap: on :clap: the :clap: internet :clap: without :clap: consent. :clap:

:clap: Then :clap: he :clap: shouldn’t :clap: use :clap: it :clap: either :clap: on :clap: the :clap: Internet.

It’s never okay to reveal others personal information. It’s their job and their job only.

Do you have a Facebook account?

That’s on the internet.

Does that mean it would be okay for me to track that down, post all your pictures and name on this forum?

Or would that perhaps be an invasion of privacy?

You’re literally defending doxxing if the person has their name on the internet.


You can’t reveal what’s not hidden. Especially when the other person never minded in the past.

So what you are saying is he was asking for you to violate his privacy because he used part of his real name his Discord tag? And he deserves it—to have an advesary spread his real name all over without his consent?



If I date someone and they see me naked and then we break up, is it appropriate for the person I dated to show pictures of my disgusting, bloated, pallid body to people because I didn’t hide it from them when we were together?

Context matters, just because someone gives you permission to use their name elsewhere does not give you the right to drop his name in any context you so choose.

Jesus, I can’t believe I need to describe basic consent on the god damn elf thread.


I’ve literally never said on the forums call me by real name, you would have done so on discord of which not everyone on the discord we were on would have known me which is fine what ever but this is a different setting so its a little weird yeah.

Several of us know each other and thats fine but like have self awareness that on the wow forums that would be weird.

You’ve never once to my knowledge used real names for anyone in these convos on the forums. Maybe you’re confusing speaking to me on discord but again two different settings?

I mean I’m friends with plenty of people in this thread rn and they wouldn’t use real names of me or anyone else here so ?



There’s a difference though between posting someone’s pictures and talking to someone by their first name. Mine isn’t very difficult to guess either lol

You’re literally putting words in my mouth.

This person and I were friends in the past. We would interact several times, both in Discord and on the forums. In my culture a “first name” isn’t something to hide, so when I saw he wrote his name as a username I simply started to refer to him as such, precisely as a sign of respect, and he never told me I shouldn’t do it.

Stop making it sound like I’m revealing sensible personal information about people intentionally. You’re ignoring the close relationship we had in the past.

If anything, this is something he himself should tell me, in which case I would apologize, of course.

You are revealing his personal information without consent and that is not okay.

I don’t care where they use their real name. I don’t care what their transgmog is. You don’t repost someone’s real life information on the forums without consent.


No, I’m not.

You said

You said that because his name is on the internet, you should be able to use it everywhere.

If you have pictures on the internet, why should I not be able to use them anywhere? It’s the exact same logic.


Are you not getting that it was okay for him in the past?

Consent can be withdrawn at any time for any reason and it’s not your place to share his personal information on a different medium without consent.

Why is consent so hard for you to understand. Don’t post people’s real life information without direct permission.


When have you ever posted anyone’s name and or even discord name as a way of addressing anyone else on these forums.


Correct. This never happened, though.

The way I see it, you are the one who’s having a hard time understanding the context.

That’s not how consent works.

You have to ask every time.


It’s clearly happening right now.

Stop posting people’s real life information on the forums.

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