A simple void elf request

It’s been a while, I think I’ll see what people are up to in the ol’ Void Elf thread

By Madoran’s Beard

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No, that’s not how it works when it comes to names, especially with people you had a close relationship with and when you already know they don’t mind.

If he suddenly changes his mind and dislikes others referring to him by his name, then he himself should let me know I shouldn’t do it. And I of course would edit it out and apologize.

That’s the logical process.

He answered me directly to that reply and didn’t even mention anything on that regard. So you’ll understand it’s logical for me to infer consent was not withdrawn.

Really? Where did he post here that I shouldn’t talk to him by his name?

Begone from this thread of the damned now, gentle dwarf!

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Where did he say you could?


At this point I feel like it’s being purposely shady because even when we got along you never went around replying to me by name just because we were cool and friends on discord, several people here know me and thats fine, other people know each other, and yet we all use forum names for privacy for a reason in this setting on the forums.

No one including you despite your claim, has ever set the standard of using real life info to address each other on the wow forums, I couldn’t have possibly given consent because its not even a concept I would fathom its that much of an oddity.


One or two years ago iirc, privately.

Now, don’t dodge my question - where did he even manifest discomfort about this that could give me an idea that his stance has changed and that I should no longer refer to him by his first name?

I don’t think someone’s lack of consent to having their real life information needs to be literally spelled out.

The onus is on the person wanting to broadcast information to get permission every time.


That’s not how consent works.

I’m sure I don’t need to explain why someone saying “yes” to something doesn’t mean you don’t need to ask ever again.


There is no debate.

All that’s happened is you’ve sat there defending your right not to ask for someone’s consent to publicly post personal information about them


Either you respect the right to consent and right to privacy or you don’t.

Which one is it?

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I’m still waiting for you to point me where it is clearly shown that his consent was withdrawn.

This greatly depends on the situation and where you are.

Regardless, sharing someone elses personal information in an open public forum is a scummy thing to do.

Its not your information to share.

If you’re no longer friends then what are you doing even remotely mentioning it?

That just slides right into maliciously sharing information.

You’re smarter than this…

Doesn’t matter what side of this you’re on or not, you don’t share other peoples personal information, even first names, on a public forum…


This is getting kind of gross, homie.


I just wanna leave this here, I would never have fathomed a situation where anyone addressed anyone by real name on the wow forums, plenty of people know me and are friends on discord and have never done that including you have never done so on the wow forums, its just weird.

It was never given, in no world would I have initiated a convo and said “hey by the way go ahead and use my real name on the forums” and no way does it even sound organic to ask someone that “hey can I just use your name on the forums” that convo never happened its not even a good lie. Did you use it off the forums? Sure lots of people do, and yet you don’t see them using it, or for that matter none of us use real names if we know them, the only common denominator here is

I just wanna point out you per your own words admit that we aren’t friends in real time, so now its taken a spiteful spin like a petty gotcha moment but in a weird like low key dox kind of way.

And to add on no you never used my name on the forums when we were cool so the issue never came up to be addressed.


Because that’s his name and I’m used to talk to people by their names when they tell me what they’re called? I expect people to do the same with me.

You are all acting like I shared his residency or his phone number.

Insinuating I did it maliciously is malicious as well, Fen. Especially when you know me, we’ve interacted for well over a year, both here and in the Helf discord.

We clearly don’t agree, especially given the context. I’m waiting for this person’s reply to clarify the whole situation and apologize if necessary.

This sort of thing however small can have significant ramifications.

I’ve seen it before and it doesn’t take much, so you bet I’ll take exception to it.

Information of a personal nature is not something you share on a public forum. Much less a gaming one.

In that amount of time I would not have expected you to share someones name like that.

Its not yours to share.

Clearly, indeed.


Lannisterian just told me he isn’t okay with what I did, so I would like to publicly apologize to him for that.

It was not my intention to hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable, I’m really sorry, Lannisterian.

I’ve edited it out. It won’t happen again.

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Miss me with this performative business.

Also he told you he wasn’t okay with what you did in this thread. Multiple times. Don’t try to act like you he didn’t.


What? When?