A simple void elf request

Man, I remember when I was like 13 and a little s word during pre-BC, I used to go into AV and sit in that giant room you’re in before the game starts and do “/e has reported you AFK. To contest this, please type /afk now.” and just watch as like 20 people got punted out of the BG.

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100% agree

Tattoos, runes, scars… a few belf fans asked for golden-Light effects as well iirc

There are so many ways to make belves and velves distinguishable


And one of those ways will continue to be valuing the distinction they currently have left in place to keep the two distinguishable from one another :hugs:


Sure, if you’re already content with Belves’ current customizations and don’t want anything else for them, I guess that makes sense if that’s the case :hugs:


Oh don’t worry I don’t think BE customization will get held hostage because they won’t continue making VEs further into HE lite.

I think there will be plenty of Void options for Void Elves hopefully if they get more attention as well. All the while keeping the current distinction in place and BEs getting the attention they also deserve. See how that scenario works? more for both without compromising the current distinction they left that we currently see


I honestly dont mind the void-y hair with the shine, but its only on certain hair and those hairs are (IMHO) uggggly!


Not sure why you’re talking about Void Elf customizations. I was talking about giving Belves more customizations that make them more distinguishable from velves. Jewelry isn’t enough. That’s the context.


I like those as well! I’d also like the possibility of making tentacles a toggable option, so that we can choose our favorite hairstyle with or without tentacles.


So you think the original should be the one made to be distingushable, not the copy?

Now, that’s a weird thing to say.

Wouldn’t you want the copy to be not be seen as, well, a copy?


But if I’m a copy of the best race, that makes me the second best, which is pretty good.

JK, orcs are the best race, obviously.

You say that while leaving out the current distinction they have so I felt like it was pertinent to point out.


Blood Elves and Void Elves:

They’re even wearing headgear so you can’t tell which is which.


Uh, so you are okay with belves’ current customizations? Or with future belf customizations not being uniquely enough to the extent they’re not making belves and velves more distinguishable?

I’m getting mixed messages here.

Because the current distinction they have is clearly not enough according to some forum posters here.


If we get hair colours, the gap shrinks in the unadorned elf department:

(Thanks to Izzabelle for providing the blood elf comparison against my velf mockup)

I don’t mind personally, I’m just pointing it out.


The existance of knockoffs tells that copies, are more often than not… questionable.

More like:

That’s not what I said.

Blood Elves need customizations but to expand their own themes, not to make them distinguishable from their copy.

Funnily enough, to give VEs customizations to expand on their actual theme, would also make them more distinguishable.


Only if Belves don’t receive anymore customizations, and only if velves don’t receive any more voidy options. And only if those new hair colors are 100% “natural” - we’ve discussed previously that we wouldn’t mind regular hair colors with voidy effects.

I really doubt belves are done. There are tons of new unique options belves should have that both represent their racial identity and further differentiate them from void elves, even if the latter ever receive natural hair colors.


And they can do those options and still keep in the hair color distinctions that we have seen today because in contrast they can also give VEs more by giving them more Void options. All the while leaving the hair styles as an obvious distinction.

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I was specifically referencing not using any of those. When you only use the generic stuff that just says “I’m an elf” and nothing else.

There are so many ways they could expand on the void theme too.

Though the more I think about it, the more I think the only reason any of the void visuals exist at all was so velves could be a) shiny and new when the launched, and b) have the tiniest bit of visual distinction from belves during BfA.

Now I could be wrong on this, but Blizz did state back in the day that they wanted them “visually distinct for the remainder of BfA”, which kinda leads me to believe they never cared that much about expanding the void theme.

Granted the most likely outcome at this point seems to be that both belves and velves will get nothing new. :frowning:

Wow your forum profile finally updated and I love it, just saying. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

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Okay ? I wasn’t talking about velves’ hairstyles or hair colors. I was focusing on belf options further differentiating them from velves, regardless of whether velves get natural hair colors or not.

You still have Entropic Embrace kicking in, though, among others.

And that’s the thing that bothers me the most. Velves should at the very least get those ear lengths. And Belves should receive those options I mentioned before - tattoos, runes, Light customizations, etc

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So you would be okay with Blood Elves receiving customizations that make them look like Void Elves or that don’t contribute to them looking unique?