What, and miss out on loking and tarring Alliance filth right in the ogar? Weak, dude.
Yeah, Nightborne are so goddam cool lorewise but their models are just so munted I don’t want to play one.
What, and miss out on loking and tarring Alliance filth right in the ogar? Weak, dude.
Yeah, Nightborne are so goddam cool lorewise but their models are just so munted I don’t want to play one.
I’m glad you brought this up. Now that I finally have a sub again, I can give my take.
I don’t want it tied to the helm. My DK uses the robe, but no helmet, and I actually like the chin piece on her.
I’d rather they make it into a barber shop option than tie it to another piece. Same with velf wings. Things like that being tied to random pieces of gear is just dumb imo.
Nah theyd still be alliance, so would moose tauren, but dark irons would be horde.
I would be all for this as well, I just really hate having it be part of the robe because I personally don’t like it and it’s on the face so I always figured it should be part of the helm not robe.
Hard disagree, Void Elves are a Blood Elf knock off thus they would be Blood Elf subrace thus they should be Horde.
As for the other two Tauren should never be Alliance and Dwaves should never be Horde.
I feel like people who think tauren want anything to do with the Alliance haven’t played through Mulgore. Or the Barrens.
Honestly, if that were to have been the case I would’ve rather they not make them at all.
If the Thalassian race were to have been Horde, it should’ve been Forsaken elves or San’layn.
Tbh they should have used the belf rig to make Nightborne. They’re just as closely related to them as they are to night elves anyway. Closer, even.
They’re both the only meaningful Highborne remnants.
Well as I already said about Nightborne and the way they were added, I wouldn’t mind if neither existed as playable because then we’d not have to share our model or customizations with Alliance.
I’m pretty big on factions and if you want to play something you should have to play it on the faction it’s on.
Plus I’m beyond tired of people saying that Nightborne is equal to Void Elves because it’s not so mean to say but I’d take it away given the chance.
That’s fine and totally fair. You like what you like. Just know that if you ever did get that chance, you might be driving me from the game to do it.
If my void elves ever get taken away, I’d instantly quit the Alliance forever with no hesitation. And given Horde BG queues, I’m not sure if I’d stick around at all.
Imagine actually sitting through Horde bg queues and not spending hours of your life gutter balling Alliance bgs.
I wouldn’t want to do that because you are someone I like but now I’m legit curious what did you play before Void Elves? I mean because I imagine you played something else so why wouldn’t you go back to that vs quitting?
Also lol, I play Horde battlegrounds almost daily when I have the free time I would take a longer queue to actually win vs shorter to lose and lose and lose because I can almost always get my daily win of the day with first queue Horde side but Alliance not so much.
It must be so nice to be US Horde.
I tended to favour Horde a lot before BfA, except during Wrath (hence my obsession with high elves, probably).
I mained a belf pally in BC, a nelf DK in Wrath, a troll druid in Cata, a different belf pally in MoP and WoD, a belf DH in Legion, and in BfA my main changed by patch. 8.0 was a human pally, 8.1 was troll hunter, 8.2 back to the human pally, and 8.3 was Mag’har warrior.
I haven’t done much in Shadowlands, though I do have a few Alliance at cap since my Alliance server is where I happened to make my gold this xpac. Even when I’m maining one faction, I tend to still have alts on the other.
Void elves are now far and above my favourite Alliance race, and I couldn’t play the Alliance without them anymore. Their Shadowlands options let me get most of what I wanted out of high elves, while I can do other cool stuff with them like make Dark Ranger or Venthyr Kael style mogs.
Basically once ARs were a thing, my helf desires were at such a fever pitch that playing the Alliance without something to fill that void was something I lost all interest in.
But a loss on the Horde after that long queue is so devastating that I’d rather just get more attempts on the Alliance.
Thank you for sharing with me sweetie.
That’s true in some cases but at least on Horde side when they lose or are losing they will still try to turn it around usually Alliance doesn’t do that they will go AFK or just sit and do nothing except jumping around.
I agree with this. From my (16 year) experience of WoW Alliance seem, from my experience, to crumble very quickly and fall to defeatism and start blaming everyone else in the group in both PvP and PvE.
Long time alliance pvper, and I can vouch for this.
Yeah, I did a lot of holy pally and rogue PvP on Alliance in BC, early Wrath, WoD and early Lego and I was happy to move back to Horde both times tbh.
My favorite thing I notice is that on the Alliance I will try to drum up morale before hand and I often just get told to shut up.
Horde side my shaman tells them the spirits are with them and the Alliance will die, and we’ll break their bones and everyone starts cheering…
The Horde players just seem to feel more like they can face anything.
Alliance feels more like any slight sign they might be losing is proof that they’re doomed.
I think a lot of that carries over to a lot of the stuff you see on the forums honestly.
While I find the forums generally more even between the two sides, yeah I still see it.
Its just weird to me since its really the same people on both sides. Most of my friends for instance switch regularly between Horde and Alliance to the point their “mains” on both sides are evenly geared.
Yet they too seem to have the same feeling that the Alliance and Horde are different overall. Even in how they themselves play.