Gotta get that cardio in somehow.
I bought a recumbent exercise bike for cardio because I want to get rid of the covid weight. I getting heckachonk.
I’m blessed with a metabolism that keeps me looking like a skinny legend
But same my arms have lost alot of muscle and I have a mild beer belly now. And my legs are just big flabs :((
If you can’t say something bad about a body or a relationship say nothing at all.
Dude same as hell, I got a rowing machine because I felt like such a butter ball
Im hideous
Haha, I love this so much.
They are, but they were kicked out of silvermoon for dabbling in void energies, which do not mix with the sunwell. And thats the ONLY reason they went alliance. They were shunned by the Belves.
While this is true it was only written by Blizzard into the lore as a way to give the Blood Elf model in the form of Void Elves to Alliance. I highly doubt it would have been the same storyline/storylines if Blizzard gave Void Elves to Horde and Nightborne to Alliance.
The same is true of the Nightborne tho. Written to be what they are.
But yeah, i know what you mean.
That’s why I hated how Blizzard did it, it’s flimsy on both sides, the whole we hate you because you are void based or we hate you because you offended one person and so we both choose the other side, it’s just terrible all around, lol.
Lol youre so correct. Haha.
The only one of the 4 legion ar’s that made sense on joining any of the factions was hmt. One should had been neutral (lfd) and the other 2 should had been either written better or a different race altogether.
On one side I agree with this, on the other I don’t because both sides helped Highmountain Tauren.
As for this, I agree because both sides helped Lightforged Draenei and well the way the other two were shoehorned with one line of lore on each side is just silly. Haha.
My thoughts are, in Legion they should of introduced neutrality as an option for players. It was an expansion that brought Horde and Alliance together through Class Halls and through us working together to stop a demonic invasion. All of the Legion races should of fallen under the neutral banner and been made available to both factions.
Remember that time the Blood Elves were about to start transitioning over to the Alliance but it was only stopped because Jaina overreacted.
Delete void elves.
I mean, the undead are literally humans who simply came back. It was only badly written racism on the part of a human general (or something) that pushed the forsaken to the horde. Ill bet in reality, 99% of alliance citizens would be thrilled to see their family members again.
Calia was somewhat trying to bring the Forsaken into the Alliance with the reunion she organized. It was only stopped because Sylvanas put an end to it and therefore the next steps couldn’t have taken place.
Theres always “something.”