A simple void elf request

Post-SLs void elves have either the most or the second most. I counted second most, I think Midare and some helfer counted them as most.

I’m not sure I agree. They might have had the most amount of work, but that’s not the same as the most effort. They didn’t even seem to get the benefit of getting half arsed. It’s a quarter at most.


Nah sorry but…Fal’dorei is where it’s at.

Someone tried really hard with Nightborne.

Which paid off with the Kul’tirans, Zandalari, and Vulpera down the road. And there is SOME charm to my Nightborne lad. He’s a grumpy raisin, but I’ve wanted a skinny male caster for a while. Undead don’t count, for zombie racist reasons.

Was that options or unique characters possible? I find the latter more valuable, personally.


Dude. Someone went into the male night elf files and deliberately edited them to be EVEN GRUMPIER AND MORE WIZENED.

Someone who cared.

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If they cared they wouldn’t have made them look totally munted.


I’m not arguing nightborn are the best looking or the most detailed (they’re not). What they are, of the original 4, is the most work.

The others are pallet swaps with accessories.


Exactly, like Kul Tirans.

We could argue whether Kul Tirans are good looking or not, but there’s hard work behind them.

The same applies to Nightborne. But I get your point that hard work =/= good work.



How are Kul Tirans in any way comparable to Nightborne? Kul Tirans are great, it’s just that most people are too basic to appreciate them. Nightborne just look like they’ve been done by one drunk guy over a long weekend.


This is a subjective debate.

I don’t like Kul Tirans at all. They’re not entirely fat, they’re not entirely muscled - they’re a weird mix that don’t make sense and don’t look good imo.

Kul Tirans should have all three models available (big, thin and regular).

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Not really, they share animations and a few other things. But they do need some work.

Not modified enough lol.

For the thread;
I also want to point out, while harder to notice, the VE original skin has additional details of raisining too. Unfortunately it is not shown on the model.

Nightborne got beaten with the Night fallen/Withered club relentlessly, till we got the playable disaster that we have.

Void Elves fell into a puddle of blue die, finally got it washed off of the skins and are still fighting to get it out of their hair.

Good you people are finally realizing that given many people like me feel Void Elves have gotten more than enough customizations already and don’t need anything more unless it’s void based and even then they should be dead last in the customization line.


I would have liked an actual nightfallen (maybe not withered, because at that point they’re not sane enough for a playable character) option. Ideally, with a model toggle. It would have been interesting…

Oh well.

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People like me feel NO ONE has enough customizations!

Even Male orcs, who are still missing Dragonmaw skins and who could really use more cool tattoos and scars.


I’m fine with being last. Just give me some tattoos someday. Please.


That’s fine, I have accepted other people have different opinions that doesn’t mean mine changes.

I’d be okay with that as well because it was weird to me that Nightborne, Lightforged and Highmountain Tauren got them but Void Elves didn’t. I’m not 100% against Void Elves getting them or getting customizations just certain customizations but you know me well enough to know that already. :yum: :yum: :yum:


And short ears :pray:t3:

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The especially stupid thing here is that they gave glowy hair bits to void elves, even though the Nightborne NPCs have them, while they gave tattoos to Nightborne, even though Thalassians had them back in WC2, and the velf racial leader and conceptual inspiration has them.

For sure. The fact that velves didn’t get these, and LFD didn’t get the Draenei tail options, yet Blizzard thinks they’re “done” boggles my mind.


We still need all options not to be gender restricted. It’s totally ABSURD that male/female races don’t have access to the other gender’s hairstyles or jewelry.

It’s 2021 already. Even the Sims 4 gave this option 4 years ago.