They gave high elf fans a compromise.
So clearly they’re more interested in keeping some dileniation between them.
Otherwise they’d have added those vaunted hair colors.
They gave high elf fans a compromise.
So clearly they’re more interested in keeping some dileniation between them.
Otherwise they’d have added those vaunted hair colors.
And steal more from Blood elves while giving nothing back? You’re funny lol.
The antis haunting these threads alone are enough proof of why they didn’t add it all right away, and why would they, that’s creatively bankrupt.
New hairstyles and colors for void elves or literally any other race are a no brainer, and don’t need to be outright stolen from blood elves like some of you believe will happen.
Fully confident they’re going to work on more popular customization requests for all, races especially after letting everyone down by lying about more coming in Shadowlands.
Well I’m glad you have some confidence in blizzard.
Though given that they haven’t added them in I’m going to err on the side that they won’t.
I also don’t think they should. Their efforts are better spent making void elves their own unique thing.
What we have now is more than enough for peoples RP.
just popping in here again to say Void Elf Pally’s would be great.
oh and the same/similar ear options as BElves
oh oh and some hair styles that don’t scream “I have poor hygiene”
ok thx friends bye
Not how any of that works, you’re adorable.
They promised everyone expanded customization and barely delivered then went back on what they said about adding more in Shadowlands and now you think they won’t add anything highly requested ever again after the backlash?
Yours and your kinds pessimism for the High elf request does not for impactful evidence make.
Not for you to decide, and they disagree given that on top of giving them 0 expanded story in 2 expansions, they gave them customization before any other AR that flat out mimicked High Elves, I wouldn’t hold your breath.
The reality of it is that Void Elves were the ham fisted attempt at giving the Alliance their highly requested high elves, they, much like a lot of other Allied races but them especially, weren’t meant to be a unique and interesting race to be expanded.
I’m on your side though, void elves should of never existed and they should of created a new rig for high elves and an actual, interesting, true, void race, that is what you wanted right? Seeing as how you’re trying to turn void elves into an aesthetically un pleasing model.
Might as well just have an actual mind flayer race at that point and not purple macaroni painted blood elves.
They promised, they failed.
I don’t think we’ll see anything going forward. All they’ve said amounts to “yeah sure maybe”.
Regardless they did not give the hair colors and stated that what they did give was RP alone.
Their own actions suggest they have no intention of giving those hair colors to void elves.
Again, you can sit around and wish upon a star all you want. I’ll err on the side of what they’ve shown me they’re going to do.
And stated it was RP only but didn’t give the hair colors?
It’s your side that shouldn’t hold your breath.
I’ll request what I want to see since I actually like void elves and am not trying to replace them with high elves.
Not sure you have a clue about my side.
Void elves should have never been granted natural skintones and instead had their void options expanded.
And where am I trying to turn them into something else?
Voidberg you mean? He’s an amalgamation of many of the options (face tentacles, Void mouths, nzoth/Aszhara eyes, claws, extra out of place mouths) I want to see incorporated into void elves. Not some exact “I want everyone to look like this”.
I want more void options for the void elves.
I’m sorry not everyone’s desires for void elves lies with blonde haired, light skinned and blue eyed elves.
Some of us are actually excited for the possibilities before us.
For reference here is my current list:
Void options I got so far:
Chin tentacles!
Hair Tentacles as in all the hair is tentacles.
Tentacles for a mouth.
Body Tentacles
Starcursed, and n’zoth eye color.
Ethereal type wraps.
Scars that show void energy beneath the wound.
Stark White and Void Black, violets, maroon, teals, blues, near neon orange and yellows, and Void(like their tentacles), and Starcursed hair colors.
Two tone hair color starting as a void color turning into a neon color.
Void fire effects to the hair.
Floating Hair.
Ombré hair.
Glittering hair.
Shadowy gas effects.
Third eye like Aszhara.
Void mouths
Other old god corruptions.
Tentacle toggle.
Standard scars.
Ear slider.
Tattoos. Void and farstrider.
Some Ethereal Wraps provided by Somand
And some voidified tentacles and stomach mouth provided by Lance! (Affectionately called Voidberg.)
Also provided by Lance an example of the hair leading into neon colorations! (Thank you Lance!)
Some hair colors I rather jive with provided by Talendrion. (note: I don’t technically have their permission and might remove this later.)
To their quote: “Not in Shadowlands”.
Unless you think WoW dies with Shadowlands, you’re wrong, customization was huge hype and hype buys subs and race changes.
Your sad pessimism doesn’t trump Blizzards chance at earning my $20 and earn my $20 they will if they do Void elves right.
So do the math, you, angry cause no tentacles, or $20.
You should tell your buddies to do the same, since that’s all anyone is doing, just seems you and them are angry one is more popular and are adamant about convincing people their requests are wrong.
So do i, reasonable, aesthetically pleasing void options, not ruining a model…and for what?
Thing I also want, more than void customization, is regular customization that literally, every race gets yet your side seems keen on that not, happening.
Odd how some of us can have both and some of you desperately want others to lose…and again…for what?
Ah finally, some good food.
Now we just shower off that greasy look and get a comb and we’re in business.
I’m being realistic.
When blizzard says things like that, its just because they don’t want to say no or yes.
It means nothing.
I do not control anyone else. I share my opinions. Nothing more.
Others often go out of their way to take differences of opinion as attacks or other such things.
I really don’t see how any of the options I’ve suggested ruin Void Elves? They’re void elves.
I like the void aspect and want more.
Not sure what you mean by this?
I want ear lengths and tattoos for void elves just as much as most seem to… Even tentacle toggles which most folk on the high elf end seem to support.
My second post which is my list of void options in full has 40 likes on it in this thread. Seems many are pretty ok with what I request.
High Elf fans do the same things… so whats the point?
I also do not stop people from requesting anything. I just don’t necessarily support it. A distinction which appears to get muddled often here.
I have always been requesting hair colors along this line. They do not go against the void theme.
Not sure bout this greasy thing? I don’t get that at all.
The result of your request is!!!
Fen, you might be wasting your time with that one. He has shown time and time again to refuse to listen and often went to personal attacks without cause for doing so thinking he might bully his point across.
They also said the same thing about flying, and community demand = $$$, so again:
Your pessimism and spite are not impactful evidence.
Yes its very telling to have to spam that post multiple times in all void elf threads even when they’re not about customization.
Weird how even with all your likes there’s still not one major void customization thread as opposed to the dozens of pop up threads you and the antis haunt.
But yes, “popular”.
The niche “emo” hairstyle look for male and female void elves is played out and boring.
There’s a reason these threads pop up constantly.
That post has 101 likes, BTW.
Same old Cezol.
He and I only seem to agree about Worgen.
Well when I tend to ask folk to scroll up to look at it they don’t. So I’m just making sure they see what I’m talking about. Not only that sometimes people get off topic and I’ll toss it back up to see if we can get back a bit.
This thread currently being up and about Void Elf customization requests means that I wont be making any spam threads… here seems fine.
And as you’ve noted I’ve posted it in several of the other threads where its been pertinent. Most of which have to deal with High Elves, Blood Elves and Void Elves… or at least some manner of them.
I get emo… just not sure bout greasy. They just don’t look it to me.
I rather like their general hairstyles. I’m not against new ones of course.
Yes. Is that a problem somehow?
I am in fact one of those likes. For the most part their post asks for Void Elf things.
As I said I don’t stop anyone from requesting. I just don’t necessarily have the same opinion and I’m not shy about sharing it.
By spamming, gotcha.
Void elf males suffer from this especially, and widows peak, you’d know if you had hair.
Regardless, they’re not popular by any means and they deserve a lot more, not copied over from BEs, but their own original hair styles.
I’m sorry my list offends, purely because you don’t agree with parts of it.
I’ll keep posting it when it’s applicable, as I always have.
You know I can use the character creator right?
I’m not literally Fenelon. I’ve seen the hair options many times.
Also don’t be jelly I look this good.
That’s fine. I have no issues with new hairstyles.
Or new colors. I just don’t want natural ones. I’d rather void ones.
Cause they’re void elves.
non-void hair doesn’t take away from them being void elves. No one is asking for their racials to be de-voided.
In your opinion sure.
I just don’t agree with that, Lore.
Their hair shows void corruption and so far blizzard has kept to that. I’d rather they continue and expand colors in that direction.
Talendrion made a mock up of some void hair colors which you can see a bit above.
Lance also made a rendition of void hair with a fade into brighter colors. Also above.
Those ideas and the others I’ve mentioned both follow a void theme and are amazing.
I would faction change from my beloved Vulpera if I could be a squid elf.
Blizzard please.
Ok? It’s lore friendly and perfectly reasonable given the evidence we’ve gotten from Blizzard.
You don’t get to tell people not to ask for what they see in the game themselves, void elves can have regular AND void hair colors and styles.
I don’t think it is.
The void elves don’t have those hair colors.
Black and white fit the good theme, and black is already an npc option… Otherwise all void elf hair colors are voidy and not in any way natural.
I haven’t.
There isn’t a lore reason at this time for natural hair colors and I don’t support it.
All natural skintones are merely RP options. I think that’s enough.
In before “But Alleria!”… because we’re all perpetually trapped in this neverending cycle… where canon lore it’s ignored.