A Simple "Thank You"

Whenever I get into a dungeon group, whether through the queue or via the LFD tool, I always start off before the run starts with a “howdy”, and that usually generates at least a couple of similar replies. Usually that sets a friendly tone for the run and most times I don’t experience anyone being a jerk during the run.

And at the end of the run, I always do a “thanks for the run” or “tyvm”. Also, I sometimes do a whisper to the tank and/or healer if they did a particularly notable job, such as having to deal with an annoying member of the group or some difficult fight that looked like all hope was lost but they pulled it out for us and avoided a wipe.

The only exceptions to the “howdy” and “thanks” behavior tends to be during events like Love is in the Air, which is over so quickly, hardly that challenging, and mostly full of people who, like me, are there to bang out as many runs across as many alts as possible.

/moo :cow:

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The pug community is a wonderful community and I love them I make sure to encourage my raiders and make sure they are never afraid to ask me any sort of question.

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Ok this is going to let everyone known my age and how long I’ve been playing WOW but back in the day when you had try and get 60 people togrether to do a raid you had spam chat to try and fill your group , and a simple thank you would go a long way and a lot of the time get a request to join a future run. But as time has passed and group size has dropped 60 …40…30…20…15…10 it seem that people have stop being polite and or don’t see the need of it anymore. But I’ve always found that in life and in game that a simple Hi , Thank you , and even a bow to the Horde player that just helped you kill that elite for your quest has it rewards.


Sportsmanship is a lost art. Props to those of you who try to be good teammates. Whether you know it or not, you’re setting an example for someone.


Raids were never 60 people.

I say thank you to myself usually since by the time I take a moment to type it the group has completely disbanded.


Last time I said hello in a PUG group, I was kicked. No comment. Nothing. Just boom and out of the group. I try not to say anything in a group. If there is a ready check, I’ll click the button.

Sorry for my mistake I was think of lvl 60’s in Vanilla but hey that was 15 years ago the gray matter is not as good as it once was

No problem pal. Jesus loves you

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I try to do that as well. It gets awkward when we wipe at 5% though…


I always thank the group and blow a kiss as I disappear into the twisting nether. :slight_smile:


I like your style. Sometimes I imagine that people purposefully leave quickly so they don’t have to be roped into reading a “thank you” message. I’m gonna start doing that now too.


I typically don’t pug but I play as feral and nobody wants feral. Of course that’s mostly mythic+ where your not given a chance. Random queuing thankfully that doesn’t happen. When I random que I typically out gear most people I end up with. I don’t think I’m better then anyone cause of this and I certainly don’t want anyone getting that impression of me. I’m patient and I don’t like leaving early so I will always finish a dungeon no matter the wipes. Unless I need to leave the house by a certain point.

I try to always throw out a little thank you at the end of a dungeon, as long as things didn’t go, uh, badly.

Unless everybody else just instantly leaves at the end, anyway xD

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I need to make a “Thanks All!” macro, thanks for reminding me. People drop group so dang fast after a boss kill - it’s kinda weird, not like I mean to stand around awkwardly high-fiving for minutes afterward but I would like to thank folks - they just vanish too fast. WQ’s especially, but good gawb the holiday scenario? POOF - they’re gone!
Also, I’m not just in it for a GG, if someone wants to tell me something I did really wrong? A few words at the end of the run would be a great learning experience for me.

Same! I’m considering a macro. :smile:


I thought of that I’ve done it even but nobody reads raid chat when the boss is at 10% - and then as soon as the boss dies chat is flooded with loot and achievements and whoosh there goes the thank you.

You know who you should always thank? A good Tank PUG.


I don’t do group content, apart from the occasional Warfront, but when I do world content with a bunch of people I always try and say thanks, especially if someone’s tanking or tossing out a few heals (and yeah, maybe neither of those are necessary, at least not often, but they still did it and they didn’t have to). I dunno, it costs nothing to show some appreciation. :smiley: It’s not NPCs we’re playing with.


The PuG’s I have all joined all thanked each other at the end of them.

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