A Simple "Thank You"

/sniffle As a healer, I wish there were more people like you.

And I feel like I don’t have enough hearts to hand out to everyone in this thread. I haven’t seen such a collection of positivity.

Like most people here, I make a habit of saying “Thanks for the run everyone” at the end of each run, or a “Very GG” at the end of each BG. But I swear by the time I finished typing, everyone’s gone… And I’m usually left thanking the tumbleweed and crickets.


I definitely try and extend that to PUGs I run and most of the PUGs I’m in even just a passing “gg” or “thx for the run”. I also try and give a pat on the back for runs where it can be difficult for PUGs but they still got through it.

Some courteous and friendly remarks at the end of a run can actually enhance the run as a positive experience. You do that enough and if even a fraction of players pay that forward it can improve the community as a whole.


Well, “What’s wrong with…” was just meant as a turn of a phrase. Wasn’t trying to imply that you thought there was something morally objectionable to it or that it’s not right to do so. Semantics I suppose.

Still, I think this situation is a bit more than simply “drawing breath” or “simply existing” as you say. You make it sound like we just ended up standing in line next to each other at Wal-Mart. If that’s how some people take this, then I suppose it makes sense why gratitude is on the decline. Just hope more people don’t think like you :wink:


There’s no reason to thank anyone for anything. Even the poor soul stuck working as a clerk in the dmv is a person, I just have the kind of personality that thinks all human’s deserve dignity.

The world has changed though and many folks think the world owes them.

I usually just do random dungeons when I Q, but try to greet folks with a simple ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ - some times I get beaten to it, lol. Same with a ‘thnx’ at the end, I try to keep it as short as possible, or post before the boss is down, so everyone can read :heart:

Ty all <3

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I always do a /bow after every dungeon-finder run before I leave.
Extra fitting being pandaren monk.

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Usually just a ‘thanks for group’ at end of a dungeon.
And then I escape before they suggest doing another, unless something there catches my eye

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Don’t wait 'till the end of the run to thank them.

A simple “How’s everyone doing?” at the start is great too.


If I do a random dungeon via LFD or LFR I don’t see why I need to say thanks, but if I pug people for islands or mythic, then I say something at the end.

Man, I try to take the time to say thank you when I get into a group to do a world quest. Sometimes those words can make the difference in somebodies day.

Or like today, was in a group doing invasion quests in Warmode, and somebody was trying to be a jerk…“What are you all idiots” is what was said…we were spread out…and near the Alliance hub…yeah we got picked off…so my response…Yup. At least if you ask my wife that. Tells me it every day. Man we started laughing and having a good time while we were running back. That person left, we laughed.

We play this game for fun. Might as well try to find it where we can, right?


So true story. I quit back around the time ICC was released. If I recall properly ICC was released in waves. Anyway when I returned I joined back up with friends, but they had no interest in raiding anymore. Neither did I so it was perfect. After a time, I was the only one around most of the time. Enter Tomb of Sargaras. I pugged a normal run and we cleared it with little issues on normal. Pretty much everyone did it for experience to take back to their guilds for Heroic runs later.

Later that night I tried to pug a Heroic run. Got into a guild run, and they were struggling. I told them I had done it on normal earlier and offered some suggestions, and they were still having some issues. They decided to go to normal and said they understood if I dipped out. I decided to stay. I walked them through what I knew and we were just cracking up in Discord the entire time. Got a few btags and invited back to their next raid if I was interested. I am now an officer of that guild and help organize and run raids with them every week.


Every once in a while we get experienced PUGs like you and it’s always so helpful to get the extra point of view. Sometimes, a helpful tip makes all the difference and, especially, someone saying, “Hey, you got this. Don’t change anything”.

People like you are much appreciated.



While I personally say “thanks for coming” at the end of the night if we had to bring pugs, there’s no real need for it. It shouldn’t be an expectation. Sure, it’s nice, but it’s no big deal and I wouldn’t consider it rude or “toxic” if a pug leader (or raid leader if its a guild run /w a few pugs) just said “Alright I’m calling it for tonight, g’night” and left.

Pugs join for the chance at a boss kill. If they stick around through wipes with little progress, it’s either because they enjoy their time with the group or they couldn’t get invited elsewhere so they’re trying to make it work.

I sincerely doubt very many pugs join up and sit through tons of wipes with nothing to show for it out of the kindness of their hearts and dedication to the group they joined (unless they’re enjoying their time regardless, in which case why would they need someone to thank them for enjoying their time?).

I feel like there a number of other community-oriented issues we face that rank higher than people sometimes not saying “thanks” at the end of a run.

My guild has formed a community over 5 or 6 servers of players due to good relations with pugs we enjoyed running with.

We’ve put a raid together as the result.

be the changes you want to happen


Yup. Also be honest of the runs intent. If you just want to get a key done without worrying of the timer, for example, don;t expect your pug to hang around if he’s thinking a speedrun.

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Doot de doot doot doot.

You heard it first here folks. End game of WoW is similar in enjoyment to going to the DMV


As a Pugger I really dont care whether I get thanked for not. I am just happy there’s groups out there that are competent enough to finish/almost finish the content. The biggest problems with most PUGs is you either wipe on the the earlier bosses which causes massive turnover or you wipe on the bosses that normal kill said PUGs. With a guild group you get multiple attempts without running into that.

Now that is a classy pale void elf. GG.

I try to thank the folks who pug with me. Thought by the time I finish typing I’m thanking myself. I always let myself know that the tanks was appreciated.


I try to thank people in LFD too. Since some people bail so quickly I aim for when the last boss is at about 10% health. Sometimes it’s a general thanks, sometimes it’s thanking for awesome heals or dps or tank pulling. Some runs are rough but I like when we get through it all and check it off the list. :slight_smile:


Me when I’m pondering purple…