A Simple "Thank You"

Recently, I feel like fewer people are thanking PUG participants for coming to their group. If things progressed well, and a random player pulled his/her weight while staying with your group for hours, offering a simple “Thanks for coming!” or some kind of acknowledgement goes a long way. Even if they aren’t the best performer, they are spending hours of their time with you, so you can still say thanks.

Do PUG participants deserve it? Well, I suppose no one is owed anything. But, if you need an extra healer/tank/DPS to be able to raid that night, and you risk not being able to raid at all without that extra body, a quick thanks feels good. This is especially true with progression. If a PUG sticks around with you for a long time even though the boss still stands at the end of the night, give them a high five before signing off.

Just simple things like that can make things a little nicer on Azeroth :slight_smile:


If any PUG joins our extremely casual progression raiding group and sticks with us without raging…we always let them know how to sign up for future runs.

In fact, over the years, our group has incorporated a number of PUGs into our core weekly runs.


I even thank LFD groups after we finish. Whats the harm? Most times I am top dps and I always cast int for the poor feller who just got rezzed.

I always put out food at the opening and on request as we are going through. I played this game when that kind of stuff mattered.


Hmmm, I don’t pug a lot but I do see thanks being thrown fairly often, at least in dungeons, maybe it’s more rare on raids.

I tend to outdps pugs by a large margin whenever I join one, since I do all the harder content with my guild, so I often get thanks and people will ask me to stay when I need to leave.

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I literally say, “Thanks folks,” at the end of every dungeon. Even if it’s just a heroic that I’m doing for augment runes and I do 3-4 times more dps than everyone else combined overall.

Politeness is a good thing.


I try to compliment the healer a lot, and say “Thanks for the heals”. I haven’t done much content lately though. But healers deserve a good thanks from the tank, in my opinion.


I run my mythic+ with the same two tank/heals players and when we pug the other two dps slots we’ve often run into great players and we always make a point to say thanks (and how they do better then some other guildies lol).

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…Why would I thank pugs for doing the content with me? That’s like going to the DMV and thanking people just for going there at the same time as you.

If you did well, I will thank you.

But frankly, no one deserves to be thanked just for showing up to a group someone else put together.

This is an equal exchange.
You need a group. I need a player.
Neither of us is being altruistic. We both get something from this cooperation.
Expressions of gratitude simply for existing, are appreciated but, wholly unnecessary.

I don’t know because it is just polite. btw who goes into the dmv anymore?


Any PUGs who join with us we ALWAYS thanked, and inform them how to sign back up on future endeavors. In fact we have some who are almost part of our roster at this point. A little kindness does go a long way.


That’s an odd view of things. What’s wrong with saying thank you to someone when you receive something of value from them? Does it really matter that they got something in return? Are you only capable of gratitude when when one side is >50% the recipient and the other is >50% the one who is giving?

You’re right though, it is an equal exchange. One may be a group looking for a healer (and wouldn’t be able to raid without another one), and the other might be a healer looking for a group (and wouldn’t be able to raid without one). But they both get something of value, and maybe, maybe, they should both thank each other? It’s why I always try to remember to say thanks for the invite to the group I ran with.


I agree. I rarely do group content but when I do I make a point to say hello and good bye. Very few people ever reply any more.


I try to say “thank you” after every group I’m in, but a lot of the time by the time I do everyone else has left.


I usually always say “Hello” when we start, and then “Thank you all (i.e. TY all)” when we finish. Sometimes it is to the one person slower than me to actually leave the group, but at least I said it to someone. :smiley:

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That’s an odd view of things.

Nothing in the post implied it was “wrong” to say thank you.

I’m just personally not going to thank you for drawing breath.

I make an effort to be polite, I greet and say thank you, and I rarely get a response.

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I always say thanks at the end of every dungeon and “hey” when someone says hi.

In the previous game I used to play, whenever I formed a group I used to say welcome or welcome back if someone returned from being AFK (yea, people used to wait for others there) or just chit chat whenever we had to stop for a moment, it as a lot mature community for a F2P/P2W game. When I started to play this game I stopped being as social/polite the moment I learned that you can get kicked for any for any reason.

I don’t even want to see 2-3 of the same guild/server in my groups.

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I almost always say “thanks” at the end of a dungeon or raid run even if I was a little dissatisfied with it.


When I go to the DMV I thank the person who helped me when they’ve finished, just like a simple “thanks, have a nice day”. Is that not common?