A Simple "Thank You"

Perhaps it’s a chicken or the egg argument, but do people bail the second a run is over because:

a.) They are impatient and can’t spend the extra five seconds to say a few words to the group, or

b.) There is an expectation now that no one says anything at the end of the run and we’re all there to quickly move on to the next activity.

Maybe it’s a bit of both. Either way, it is easy to start seeing the other characters on the screen as NPCs rather than people at a keyboard, particularly when we’re randomly thrown together. A quick hello or thank you can help us all remember that!

I was levelling my frost mage last night and queued for a dungeon and got Wailing Caverns, just ughh. And I mean Frost Mage at 17 is literally just Frostbolt over and over anyway.

Anyway tank kills turtle boss and bails. The new tank comes in and he’s like. Wait is the turtle boss dead, I only queued for this for his shield. We sadly informed him the turtle was dead.

I expected him to dip, but he didn’t. He commented about how if you queue you should stay the whole dungeon barring emergency, then proceeded to lead us through a smooth run.

I should have thanked him more! So if you read this! Thanks!


I honestly wonder sometimes if the problem is actually that we are in the age of chat programs. People who converse primarily by voice chat get out of the habit of looking at their in-game chat window. Just last week, I was running emissaries with a guildmate, and we were in our guild discord with a couple other guildies chatting. When we were done, instead of interrupting the discord conversation I used party chat to ask what his next game task was and got no response. About ten minutes later, I got a whisper asking what I wanted to do, and when I lol’d and said “I asked you that like 10 minutes ago” I was told, “Oh, I wasn’t paying attention to chat.”

Be honest, 99% of the time if you’re hanging out in a guild or community discord, you’re not going to drop and use the in game chat just for an LFD, or even an LFR. You’re already socializing, so it’s less likely to occur to you (generally speaking, not targeting anyone specific) to be social with your pug.

The silence gets really weird sometimes though… I had a guild group where our guild tank and I (our guild healer) were trying to learn each others roles. We had to pug one dps. At the beginning of every run, one of us would say, “PSA: The tank usually heals and the healer usually tanks. Fair warning. :)” No one ever dropped, but no one actually replied either. It really made me feel like there was no real human behind the character.

I don’t doubt that happens, that’s why my initial post was geared towards PUG situations more than anything. Just being aware that you have guests with you more than anything else instead of forgetting that they are there goes a long way. When I PUG raid, I usually join the discord and listen, so even saying thank you rather than typing it out is nice.

In the situation you described, it was still nice that you said something rather then let everyone else wonder what was going on!


Looks like they would have earned it.


I’d forgotten; one reason I’d really like folks to stick around, especially in these holiday mount scenario thingers, is to have us all open our drop to see if someone got the mount. I’d love to /cheer and celebrate with someone who gets the rocket in a group that I’m part of - it would make me feel lucky!

I type thanks quickly and leave…there are a dozen more alts to run thru this event! Time’s a wasting!

I’ll typically start all the runs with a "Hello or Halo(if I’m on my priest). Will end the runs with a thanks yall. 90% of people seem to have a itchy trigger finger when it comes to leaving though, lol.

When we do our weekly M0 Kings Rest/Underrot/Freehold/Temple of Seth runs(for the mounts/pet) and need to pug someone, I’ll always thank them and ask if they want to do the other runs, provided they didn’t end up being a jerk in the first run. But even then, most times before I can even type “Hey, you’re cool, wanna do XYZ with us too?”, they are gone. Oh wells, lol.

Have met some cool people and even befriended a couple doing this.

I will admit though, like others have said…when it comes to Holiday bosses, I’ll buff if I’m able but I get in and out, hell half the time I get in the boss is already pulled anyway, ha.