A simple solution to the vote kick issue

You should probably drink it first before expressing your ideas. Thinking before drinking is dangerous.

I can see where this is going already, you should have drank your coffee first before posting I think.

This simply does not happen. I’ve run countless dungeons using the RDF tool and I can probably count on two hands the amount of times I’ve seen a vote kick implemented for “no reason”.

You’re queuing up for a random dungeon with random people. You’re not engaging in the social aspect of the game in the first place. This is a moot point IMHO.

I think you can? Though maybe not, again, vote kicks in my runs are so rare I don’t know for sure if this is the case or not.

This is just speculation on your part. Quite frankly this is not the trend that I see at all, and unlike you… I do run this type of content constantly.

All vote kicks are “valid” if a group does not want somebody in their party, they can vote them out regardless of the “reason”.

All reasons are valid, so again moot point here. Also, who determines what’s valid and what’s not valid? The deserter debuff is a necessary evil put in place because of tanks/healers that hold runs hostage.

Just because people disagree with your bad take, does not mean they are flaming you.

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I just noticed that you can’t even queue for a specific timewalking dungeon (unless I’m just not seeing it).

So for the “do all 6” limited-time achievement, you just have to KEEP RANDOMLY QUEUEING DOING DUNGEONS YOU HAVE ZERO INTEREST IN until you get them all.

That’s atrocious game design. No wonder people are short-tempered while doing them.


Blizzard wants the vote kick in place so we “have some control over who we group with.”

Which is funny, because the ability to leave is there at any time. You have the ultimate control over who you group with, and without ruining anyone’s day with a debuff.


Oh that explains it, while you weren’t looking, I switched your coffee with Folgers Crystals, which has a side effect of crazy postings… :slight_smile:


Unless it’s a D/C, almost always the people I see getting booted are tanks/healers.

The one time I was kicked in recent times was pretty funny. It was LFR kinda early on. I had been doing more than twice the DPS of the next person, but the group wiped. I tried to invis but it didn’t work so I had to jump in the pool. I had a broken weakaura, and asked “can someone res me?” to fix it and someone said yes. But a few people joined, a new hunter said kick the mage becasuse I was dead, and I was out of there. The healer was in the process of ressing me. No time was lost, people were still running back (it was on blood so kinda a long run)

I laughed it off but I’ve seen it happen enough to other people to be concerned.

Except your own?

If one person is causing a problem for four people, why should the four people have to leave the run? Why can’t the four people agree the one person should leave?

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I’m surprised the new hunter didn’t also ask to speak to the manager.

thats just another thorn in the flesh here lol.
So “we four dont have to play with you”…and you get punished…or
“I dont want to play with you four”…and again, YOU get punished.
the system is an abject joke.
YOU get punished if they dont dont want to play with you…and YOU get punished if you dont want to play with them. lol

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But people want to run them that fast. That’s why they do it.

No one wants to spend 30 minutes in a leveling dungeon they’ve done hundreds of times. Get in, get reward, get out.

Simple fix is to level through questing instead of bringing your impatience to 4 randos.


My idea is a way to let all 5 people part and continue to play, with no-one getting a debuff.

If you want to vote to kick, you can. If you don’t need that person, then kick em. But they don’t get a debuff, and you don’t immediately get a new tank, causing other people to wait longer in the queue.


No, your idea still punishes the four people who did nothing wrong in order to lessen the punishment on the one who did.

It’s amazing, most ideas proposed by people on the forum seem to want to lessen punishment for the wrongdoer, almost as if the people suggesting the ideas are the wrongdoers.

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what Im hoping is they add old dungeons to the follower list…they dont even need to do the option to let the tank lead…just the first option where we fire up the next mob / boss and the tank takes over.
give some XP and I think a lot of new players might be able to figure dungeon running out without the assistance of older players and do some leveling while theyre at it.

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“Assistance” lol.

Yeah. Assisting them out of the door.

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If they kicked someone who was active and not saying anything (aka a “slow tank”) then yes I think they should have some consequence. I think calling it a punishment is a stretch, though.

If you can’t wait for the extra 3 minutes it takes to clear a dungeon with a slower tank, then you kinda do deserve consequence.

Being bad at the game doesn’t make a person a wrongdoer. That’s crazy.


You are entitled to your opinion but I find it uncompelling

It does if you’re in group content making the experience worse for four other people to the point where they decide they don’t want to play with you anymore.

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Change it to vote slap?

Or vote incineration!

Or vote cancelled sistah!

Or just call it “spill the tea”

and in a lot of cases the targeted person who is kicked literally did nothing warranting being kicked at all.
If you butt pull a mob…are you being kicked? Seems kinda petulant reason to kick…accidents happen. Most groups would just deal with the pull and keep moving. But there are some who will call you foul rule breaking names in the reason box while theyre kicking you. lol.

“MMO” …lol


Make it RNG based. If your vote kick passes then it kicks a random person. It might be you, it might be the healer, it might be a tank in an entirely different group.

Let’s goooo!


lol…vote kick created by goblins

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