We’re usually on the same page with most of our posts, but I do have to disagree with you here. I personally don’t think you should have to change the way you prefer to run dungeons just because you might end up with a group that wants to take things slower.
If you do find yourself in that situation, you can decide in the moment. Either adjust your playstyle for that run or keep pushing at your usual pace. If the group finds your approach frustrating, they always have the option to use Blizzard’s tools and vote-kick you from the party.
Personally if a group asks me to slow down “rare but it has happened”, then I will slow up a bit. First - I don’t want to ruin other players experience, and Second - I don’t want to sit with the 30 min debuff.
There is no incentive to do a dungeon slowly. Even if there is bonus xp for doing every boss, I’m still gonna let it rip as fast as possible because it’s about xp/tokens per hour.
I’m not trying to waste my, or anyone else’s, time.
Only if a swarm of goblins come out and attach a comically large rocket to the kicked and they shoot into the sky in an explosion.
They dont die they are just removed as Normal. But that visual would be hilarious.
The one who initiated it should be tarred and feathered for the rest of the run as well. Especially if the reason given isnt a good one
I watched too much loony toons as a kid xD
It takes a lot for me to click “yes” if the person being VtK’ed isn’t AFK (and hasn’t moved or said anything in chat for several minutes).
I can’t even recall ever seeing a VtK for trolling reasons. Not saying it doesn’t happen, but I’m not so sure it’s the epidemic some people claim it is.
LOL…the vote kick reason should be sent to someone at bliz who decides if the reason is good enough…if so, kick goes thru…if not, they get to take control of random player characters for the rest of the run as a punishment.
It doesn’t happen. What a lot of folks perceive as “troll kicks” are mostly just people getting removed because they are a hindrance to the group.
If someone comes on the forums to decry how they’re constantly being removed from dungeons by trolls, the more likely scenario is that they are the problem player.
I’ve never seen anything like this. If they are so much worse than you then wouldn’t it be trivial for you to carry them? If someone pulls extra are you actually dying? I can’t remember the last time I actually died to gameplay in a queued instance
Again, moot point. If the group thinks somebody is hindering the run for ANY reason, they can and SHOULD be vote kicked.
Edit: I should have said hindering the groups experience. Not XP but overall experience of the run. AKA making it less enjoyable for them (for whatever reason)
The problem with your little story there is I’m not the one getting kicked. I’m the one complaining about others getting kicked so I have no reason to lie about it because I have no dog in this race LOL other than my irritation and seeing it LOL
If the tank is pulling one pack at a time, that might be hindering someone else’s experience. I am not here to say who is right in that case, other than that these people should not be forced to play together.
If the tank is wanting to learn the dungeons because they are new, then why are we forcing experienced players who want to speedrun the dungeon to play with that tank? Nobody has done something wrong here, so why should we punish the tank?
Conversely if a group wants to be picky like that, and they kick the tank, then why should they pull another tank from a potentially less-picky group? This is not a harmless action, it results in the next group in the queue waiting longer for their tank.
Additionally this system then pulls that inexperienced tank out of the queue for 30 minutes. So just because a group wants to finish a dungeon 5 minutes faster they delay the people waiting behind them, and also delay the tank from learning more. It seems like everybody loses except for the people who decided to vote kick for some inane reason
To an extent yes… but sometimes they are not spam. I think this is one of those times.
While I completely DISAGREE with the OP, I have to give them credit, they laid out their perceived problem and proposed a solution to address it. For the most part (with a few exceptions, of course), the discussion in this thread has been a solid exchange of ideas and constructive discourse.
Sounds like you’re the common factor here as it is in no way, shape, or form an every group issue.
Its a lot less common than than GD will have you believe. Many times, the person complaining about being kicked was kicked for legit reasons, but nobody will admit it.
I will give you that it may not happen in all content. But I was grinding bronze tokens from the last boss of BRD on alts, and noticed when a group wiped people were often getting pretty mean. The final boss of BRD is harder, relatively, than timewalking or normal dungeons but it is still “LFR”
Funny thing about your comment. There are two very strong willed sides with heals dug in on this argument and from what you posted we can’t tell which of the two sides you are on.