A simple solution to the vote kick issue

and HOW would a brand new player know who is new and who isnt?
How does he find an entire group of NEW players when he just started the game and has no clue whats his options are?
And are you telling me that a NEW golfer should be teaching other NEW golfers how to golf? lol.
I assure you…that does NOT work.

Older players ought to be lining up to help new players learn…thats literally how EVERY field of education works…the established ones teach the newbies.


Perhaps an alternate solution is to have an option to exclude certain types of players in the queue.

Failure is the best way to learn but not with a deserter debuff that lasts 30 minutes when the player was trying their best. And likely people saying before “healer is bad kick them” before they are kicked etc.


I think this point is lost on many people in here. This entitled behavior is just rampant now. It’s pretty sad.

Between this and the backseat tanks/mouthy melee in keys it just makes me not really pug much at all anymore.


Don’t need a solution to something that isn’t a problem.


There is no vote kick issue. Just be normal, play decently, and say nothing. You will literally never be kicked.

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we need dislike buttons on posts.


well one thing for certain…i dont think blizzard thought up follower dungeons and delves for no reason whatsoever. lol.
Betting somewhere in that list of motivations some iotas worth of bad players ruining the game for others was in there.

Telling newbs to learn from newbs is mind boggling. I cant think of ANYTHING where that actually is a good idea.
“heres some coins…you and your unskilled friends figure out the grading and value all buy yourselves”
Lol…doesnt work like that.
newbs in ANY area of life depend on the skilled to learn those skills.

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Or what about if kicked players cant be replaced? Change specs all you want but you gotta 4 man it.

Would make people think twice about kicking just for laughs.

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That someone needs to play decently or face getting kicked is the issue, here. This is the easiest group content in the game.


No, not even a little bit

You are entitled to your opinion but I find it uncompelling

while I disagree with every other word of your post…this one is very good advice in PUGs.
Keep your head down and dont talk. dont draw any unnecessary attention to yourself.

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it’s easy for us, but might not be for new players
And you’re just never going to sell me on the idea that leveling dungeons and timewalking need to be run @ breakneck speed like keys.

People are being jerks here, period. I bet those people aren’t tanks or healers too, which is what makes it even worse.


That’s why there’s a ton of solo content and resources to help those players improve at the game, before joining group content.

When you join a group of other players, you have a responsibility to do your part to help the group succeed. If you are not doing your part, the group has the right to not play with you.

Looking at this thread, and to think there are people wanting queues for keys.



I find the time walking stuff specifically irritating.

I didn’t do panda remix, if it was actually advertised as what it is… panda remix 2.0 I probably wouldn’t have expected much and figured it was for leveling only off the rip. They allowed players to beta this system and it still came out really buggy and imbalanced.

There should have been a max level or 70-80 bracket that didn’t lump “everyone” together, especially with the awful scaling imbalances.

I think on that one it needs to be a group decision. sometimes the entire group is just fantastic players and work like a well oiled machine and it all goes down fast and easy. Love those runs as much as I do the ones where we take our time and do full clears just for the fun of it.

The ones I dont like are say the tank literally says hes new to this dungeon and …kicked before the second boss because he accidently turned the wrong way.
No reason for that behavior outside of M+/timed content where every second might matter.

sure, i dont disagree with you here but right now, it sjust immediately the assumption and i see people kick others all the time for not moving fast enough.

It’s just really poopy behavior and does nothing to grow the population of new players.


I personally have not seen it, and I have seen people left rooms behind trying to catch up both in dungeons and in LFR

oh absolutely agree.
but this forum is a VERY small percentage of the community so I dont take a lot seriously in here. in game the drama is FAR less than in here over stuff like this.

We constantly are reminded over and over and over again that this is an MMO…then we get enough NON MMO attitude that you really just have to stop paying too much attention to it.