That it’d be worthless to farm it because Mythic would open the next week and not be able to leave-farm for the trinket, so you’d have ample opportunity to get it at a higher level before M+ and Mythic raids opened.
As somebody who never even wanted it, I’ll take your word for it.
The quest version was almost as good as the queued one, and anybody chasing the queued one wasn’t doing any content where the small ilvl gap would matter.
Putting it on the first boss actually made it super-farmable and easy to get.
If they put it on the last boss, way more people would have been complaining about THAT.
If someone does a vote kick and the reason pops up, it should not let you hit accept/decline for at least 5-7 seconds and clearly show in big bold letters and large font WHO is being kicked.
If there is forced time to process the who and why, I think people would make better decisions.
The fact you can accidentally or on purpose click the box to make it go away right away is part of the issue.
This is Blizzard’s fault by forcing people to waste time in trivial content (Timewalking) for limited-time rewards.
I’m staring that this anniversary achievement to do TW dungeons. Why on earth would I do TW dungeons, except to get this achievement? I don’t want to be there, of course I’m going to be cranky, if I do it.
If Blizzard LET ME DO THE TIMEWALKING DUNGEON BY MYSELF I would be more than happy to do so.
well Kiyoko, you and i know this but the average playerbase did not
No, it really isn’t. This is toxic entitled player’s faults for trying to treat TW dungeons and leveling dungeons like mythic plus keys. They aren’t. And it’s incredibly toxic to expect the group to play them like they are, and it’s even more rude to new players.
I’m not. But I was a noob once and have empathy for the people I see that do get kicked and also verbally taunted as well.
I will say the content I have been doing is the last boss of BRD, and some groups do struggle with that. So I have probably seen it more than people running normal dungeons, which have fewer incidents. Though I have seen a few tanks get kicked this Xpac in leveling dungeons for being “bad”, which made me sad.
but you can’t assume eveyrone leveling is a veteran. You also can’t treat new tanks and healers like this or you’re driving them away. These behaviors have actual consequences. People just dont think about this stuff, they dont care.
The only toxic thing there, is Blizzard requiring us to carry 4 other people in order to enter the dungeon at all. If you could just zone in with Timewalking on, like any other dungeon difficulty, that would be one thing. But they won’t let you do that, because they need you to carry the other players.
Which is fine. Whatever.
But people don’t like being treated like unpaid labor, so when one of the people getting carried starts making demands about where the group should go, and what the group should do… that’s just playing with fire.
I dont know what point you’re trying to make here. I was saying that kicking new players for not pulling fast enough is toxic, period.
Kicking a new player who gets lost in a dungeon (b/c they died and were trying to catch up) is toxic behavior, period.
I kinda feel like if you dont want to play with new players, then dont queue for content while leveing alts or do timewalking? rather than treat the new or learning players like garbage hon.
and how do you perform before you even know how to run dungeons properly?
Last I checked there are no follower dungeons in classic era runs to learn, so with a group as a newbie is the only way to learn.