Literally the only reason I’m looking forward to Classic WoD
I got kicked for the first time in a long time a few weeks ago because the priest kept leap of faithing me even after I told him to stop and so I did what any reasonable person would do and tried to pull a bunch of mobs to wipe the group and then AFK’d at the entrance until they kicked me.
Lol that’s glorious. XD
That’s not button presses. It is very doable for dps = are they pressing damage buttons? healer = are they pressing their healing buttons?
Sure someone could still play colossally badly on purpose but at least they’re pressing buttons. A tank repeatedly dying on purpose will have a large repair bill.
Wipefest is a popular performance analyzer amongst competitive guilds. It gives you a rating. For the kind of abuse you’re talking about, it would show up as a very low rating (out of 100 perhaps sub-2% or even 0.5%, just a guess)
That would be an improvement over what we have for sure.
I am trying to find it
That doesn’t mean deterrents are useless. Again, a 5% improvement on negative experiences is an improvement.
Since you’ve been playing a long time as you say you don’t need this kind of content that much. But there are people out there that are newer to the game and playing this kind of content more. Or I also have friends who feel the most comfortable doing LFR. Everyone has different skill levels.
You know you can just use a neural silencer to stop leap of faith.
That requires having one in the first place.
Yeah I’m aware but I don’t carry them around on every alt because it’s not something that happens often enough to worry about
Like, they should honestly make that thing a toy.
Or a setting with different levels of permission. Only people on my friends list can LoF me. Only friends or guild mates. Everybody. Nobody.
It’s the kind of thing useful to have in your warbank. All your characters can summon a warbank every 2 hours once you do the quest to unlock it.
That requires room in my warbank.
My warbank is an absolute mess. I hoard warbound gear.
THat would work too.
My trick for that is I have one toon that holds all my warbound gear, and I transfer what I need to the warbank whenever I am gearing up an alt
That’s not a bad idea.
Probably be a lot better than me just shoving it all in there.
Knowing me I would forget what toon I send it to.
At the rate that warbound gear drops I’m constantly mailing this toon, and also pretty frequently going shopping.
If I wanted to be real smart I would also make them an enchanter to disenchant the stuff since that tends to be better gold than just selling unneeded stuff
My squirrel brain forgets what toon does what lol
Why I’ve been sticking to 1 main. I don’t have a second 80 yet lol
Well that’s what one side says. The other side would disagree. There have been tons of notes in this file from those people.
So I found it, it was much longer ago than I thought. From Patch 3.3.5:
" The functionality of the Vote Kick feature in the Dungeon Finder will now behave differently according to a player’s history with the system. Players using the Dungeon Finder who rarely vote to kick players from a group, or rarely abandon groups before a dungeon is complete, will find that the Vote Kick option will have no cooldown. For players who frequently abandon groups or vote to kick other players, the Vote Kick option will be kept on a cooldown. This functionality will adjust itself as a player’s behavior while using the Dungeon Finder changes."
So they’ve been tracking this stuff for more than a decade.
each failed kick goes on an internal cooldown timer. after enough they cant kick anymore.
That’s super old I wonder if they still do or if they scrapped that tracking?
I have no idea if the system still works like above. You would think it would but I have no idea if they kept it like that.
When was 3.3.5 released? That’s wrath ya?
Oh god that’s when they introduced chat according to google. Man that’s ooooold.
So they have the data, and the only change they’ve made in 15 years is to actually expand who gets the deserter debuff when they leave a group.
Yeah Wrath. I still can’t find where this was talked about more recently. It might have been in an interview or something I imagined
Well there are two separate problems. Recently they extended the deserter debuff length not from people being voted to kick, but from people leaving Ara-Kara after the first boss
They don’t say anything about people being vote to kicked. People kicked are counted as people who left voluntarily. Another distinction/nuance that could be fixed without a lot of code.