Issue in wrath though is you couldn’t double up on disc priests if I remember right.
I’m playing a lot of Cata Classic again as of late and I gotta say, things felt way better back in the day almost across the board. Class design wasn’t so intricate. It’s a nice change of pace.
You remember right for sure. Double bubble priest = no go.
For a million dollars, I bet I could, Peter
Probably why I like my evoker in retail.
It’s pew pew beams pew pew it’s fairly straight forward on the rotation.
Yeah I love playing Devoker, I just hate being a Dracthyr. I would love to see that class somehow get some new racial options.
Fine then. Go back to your Cata Disc Priests. I’ll just do my thing…
kicks rocks
shields self to avoid the rock richochet
I like my dragon form but I wish my visage could be vulpera or worgen.
Dedication to the bit
They can just exclude movement/jump keys. They can exclude all interface keys. They already know what spells are damage, mitigation, and healing so they could just count how many damage spells are used by a damage dealer, how many healing spells are used by a healer etc. They are already tracking this because trinkets interact with healing spells, damage spells, etc.
I think blizzard understands that when people are happier with groups this is a revenue gain. And it’s been done before by sites like wipefest.
Aside, since they are tracking enough information to determine who left keys for that 2-week ban, they can probably use whatever tools they already have for that, for this.
Sure I agree, I think there are all kinds of clues that Blizzard could start using to be a little more picky about what kind of punishments it hands out, vs purely letting the players decide.
They have also specifically talked about groups kicking people repeatedly. I do think it is something they are willing to work on.
But it shows that on some level they are tracking what people are doing. My guess is that they are already doing some kind of basic analysis of runs that aren’t completed and also end with votes to kick
yes to both and I do think they are already tracking some of this. They did say that they are tracking the amount of times people initiate a vote to kick.
And disc priests – to be a good disc priest one needs to know the dungeon well enough to anticipate incoming damage. With a really good player they are insanely good. But not many players understand the dungeons well enough to know when they’re going to need what CD
Ah but here’s the thing, they could in theory track debuffs or healing what have you BUT there are some abilities that are passive etc.
Someone could simply stick someone else on follow and their passive healing would, in theory, keep the system from being kicked in.
Idk what wipefest is.
Don’t know how the system works to say yes or no but honestly, there’s a super easy solution and that’s the first VTK just be a free no debuff but after that there’s a debuff.
That would be the simplest and easiest solution.
Where? What blue post thread or what have you?
Even with a mid player, such as myself, disc is perfectly fine. Just be proactive with atonement. Radiance is great and all but it’s not always going to carry you through every mechanic. Hit shields and use those instant cast flash heals tactfully to get a bit of a health bar while replenishing atonement. Renew when the group is on the move. GG.
Do you think maybe all this tracking you think they are or could be doing is potentially showing them that this isn’t a problem worth investing more resources into?
Disc can never be as good as what it was in Cata and MoP. Cata was the best, but MoP was also good.
Pretty much.
Like regardless of what they put in someone, somewhere, will find a way around anything.
It’s why what I suggested, a simple easy to understand for the user (the person kicked and kickers) and the programmers would be a solution if they felt it was necessary.
It does feel pretty crappy to be randomly kicked and have deserter BUT I haven’t had that happen in… oh god.
It’s been a long time. I very rarely do any LFD content, even leveling content.
much respect for any priest player lol. they seem to have it together every time…and I cant feel the love for any of the priest specs enough to play it well once i get leveled a bit.
That’s fine but I played like half of Cata as a rogue and skipped MoP. So we’re basically talking decade old spanglish here. It doesn’t really mean anything to me.
That said Disc is currently very good whether Cata and MoP want to reach forward from the past to argue with me or not.
Actually, depending on the classes, but the class designs were best between Wrath and MoP. Depending on class goes to depending on which expac. MoP Destro was hellotafun.
People are still wishing for the glory days of gladiator stance so I guess I have to allow for some of that.
I hate glad warrs. Not because they weren’t fun, they were really fun, but if you’re going against them, might of well make sure before you die in-game, you have a macro saying, “I’m boned.”