A simple solution to the vote kick issue

Is this a rank in the English Army?

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People don’t even read quests. What we need is a whited out circle with an exclamation point telling us this post is important

Read 10/10 posts get forum level 460 gear so we can all raid the Worgen tail thread. And then read 20 more posts and connect the dots to hidden profiles for a chance at the Fel-Armchair mount of anonymity

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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You’d need to ask a British person about that.

Me either. I was being sarcastic with my thing earlier.

Thing is person can’t control ultimately what others do with the tool. It’s just if they want to kick for w/e reason it’s gonna happen.

Now if someone does get kicked they shouldn’t get deserter except on like the 2nd or 3rd time in maybe a 12 hour to 24 hour period they get kicked. Basically the first one is a “buffer”

But people could take advantage of it too if they wanted to but /shrug there’s really no “catch all” solution.

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It’s choose your own adventure, any or all work

I see it as nothing less than this.

And I don’t argue this for my own sake while I have certainly had stupid kicks levied (and declined) against me. I’ve just seen so many votes that I’ve just clicked no on to think that the majority are actually intended to help the group and not punish an individual.

I generally agree

We’re all frequent users of the wow forums

We’re all terrible people


I think there is an important distinction to make. Someone who is only rude, not “vile” can still cause a really negative experience for someone.

I don’t even know what point you were trying to disagree with. This is pointless, literally

Myz just called us all garbage people for arguing against some of the ideas in here.

I get that, but it didn’t warrant some of the responses we’ve seen. Including that one.

just feels a bit ironic that some of the same voices screaming that this is an MMO and reminding of us all of that daily, are some of the same voices who then say its ok to maliciously disrupt someone elses game, causing them to lose an hour total some days, in kicking them for nothing they did wrong.

some “MMO”, if you ask me.


Did I actually call anyone garbage that doesn’t fit the bill?

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I missed it. My apologies. I don’t see vote or kick listed here, nor anything that could be construed as blizzard against voting-to-kick someone.

That said, I don’t kick people. I would enjoy having you in my group and I am sorry you and others have been kicked before.

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I generally agree

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I read most of this thread. He was not wrong, you are. I’m not going to try changing your mind because those who go into a discussion with a predisposition.

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I’m not disagreeing with anything at this point, I’m calling you a liar

You accused me of editing your post in my response, a thing I did not do, but it did show you’re willing to try to besmirch people over this so why believe anything you say

Some of us are here to try to be constructive.

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Hey now! I resemble that! I except the ruling.

goes back to his tourist mode status in the game

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

Yes but you’re more terrible than broadly gestures

Because reasons.

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100% agree. Always spot on target in every post.

doesnt need to be. Usually is. Those who dont want to see the topic in here really just need to go down to the bottom and select the “Mute” option.
Problem literally solved.