A simple solution to the vote kick issue

But the majority of the group, or supermajority in the case of a premade, also has to agree “for no good reason”

It’s not one person kicking everyone “for no good reason”

The majority of the group decided to kick you

Maybe there was a good reason, like, way more often than not?

and thats literally the point here…we’re discussing them changing their policy in the matter, in whatever way it helps alleviate some of the issues.

Do you ever drop group in solidarity? Maybe whisper that player and say “bro, that group was max toxicity. wanna group up and queue for more?” Then you throw in this bad boy in the next sent message: “??? : D”

Yes you trolled the group. Congrats. Proud of you for being a troll tank and then throwing out “Troll tank” in your VtK when you voted to kick the unsuspecting DPS.

Good times. LoL.


LOL…they laughed at my funny hat mog, called my goblin a few choice words and Im removed from group

Seriously, that really hurt my feelings lol :joy:

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I’m fairly certain people most groups don’t actually read whats being posted, and if they do they dont actually look at who’s being kicked. Seeing DPS kicked for “slur/swear healer/tank” will never stop amusing me. Doesn’t happen often, but its hilarious when it does.

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Are you suggesting that this is something I did/do, or that this happens with any regularity at all?

To be clear, this is me giving you the chance to save face and say “neither”.

I don’t know where people are coming up with so many instances of vote kick reasons being swear words or gibberish. Literally never seen this. No one I know has seen this either.

Like sure, go ahead and make sure the system accounts for language in the reason box… but really? That much trolling of vote kicks? I’m just not seeing this or hearing about it from anywhere except this small group.

“Your mom.”

It does fall into the double standards part again when their claims of these things totally happening HAVE to be believed

But anyone claiming theyve never seen it is merely a liar

The more you know!


I got kicked for being a vulpera before.

lol ah well.


It’s harder for me to believe that someone caused a significant problem in queued content than it is for me to believe that they were kicked because you got impatient. NGL at all.

It’s funny you put this right above your next paragraph explaining why I’ve said this

No and I don’t know how to respond to this even because it’s so far away from what I’ve said, I don’t know where you are getting this from.

It is common enough, as one example, that those 3 people are a premade and having a laugh at other people, or kicking them because they want the trinket at the end of the run, or whatever. It is an idea to add some conditionals to verify if a kick was made in good faith or bad faith.

If the kick is made in bad faith and that group is on the final boss, using the same example, then they don’t even need a new tank anyways. But the person who was kicked shouldn’t get a debuff.

Adding conditionals to a rare event like that is not taxing on CPU resources, and ultimately not complicated to implement

I have left groups because I was disgusted how they treated other people, yes.

I have also reached out to people who I have seen been mistreated, yes.

Not always, but usually. And yes I have also offered to group with people. The offer has also been accepted, and did go ahead and do some runs with them. I have also offered a low keystone to give them a vault slot, too, after they were booted out of a normal dungeon.

It’s easier to argue against the system when you pretend that extreme fringe examples are the norm.

I’d venture to guess they’re just parroting what other people have said, who are in turn parroting what other people have said, who in turn are parroting what other people have said, who saw it happen one time 7 years ago.

Yep. Try reading further and comprehending that I never claimed it never happens.

The more you know!

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It’s uncommon but not “fringe”

When something is very negative like this, people tend to remember it a long time if not forever. If a new player has one bad incident like this they might quit entirely. I have seen it happen, with someone close to me.

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The funniest part is, even if people went through the effort of screen capping those kicks with those reasons (They do exist, they’re just not that common frankly.), blizzard would just Delete them off the forums because those would be against the forum rules. lmao.

It’s harder to believe that people were just kicked cuz people were impatient than being kicked for actually causing a problem to the group

See, very easy to argue like this cuz it’s worthless

So, here is a question:

How do you know exactly the reason you get removed from dungeon for? You don’t see the reason why you have been removed. And if you’re seeing the vote-kicks to another player, why vote yes for then? Why not vote no?