A simple solution to the vote kick issue

Isn’t this the point?

Everyone gets to have their own opinion of what a justified kick looks like, and the group takes a vote, and the outcome of the vote is just a function of what that groups opinion is as a whole?

In the future, the players will become the raid bosses and robots will kick each other for inferior performance until they break the 4th wall and we get World of Earth: The Robot Legion

Being bad at the game may save us. Because I never use logic. Never

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:


my favorite kick reason so far has just been “???” lmao.

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Yes. The point is that some people have internalized “All reasons are justified” as handed down by Daddy Blizz to mean “I don’t actually need a good reason.”

Because Blizz allows you to throw your very limited weight around and you choose to do so. It’s Napolean complex.


omg…remember the original Doom?
I was losing sleep over that stupid game and one night I had a dream from playing so much that my boss at my job was the last boss in the doom game :joy:

let me tell you what NEVER to do…repeat THAT story to your coworkers the next day at work LOLOL

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I’ve been saying the same thing this entire time. We need nuanced improvements on the vote to kick system, with some different ideas on how to do that.

The core idea is that the system could be improved by adding some nuance.


What about World of World of Warcraft?

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Oh I know. They just like to ignore it, and act like they make the rules when the policies are made clear in regards to the vote-kick system.

I mean your guys entire argument revolves around people doing nothing wrong being kicked, just playing along with the group and suddenly they’re gone

Never seen it once, not a single time was a person playing with the group and doing their best kicked

Who is that?

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That’s what’s known “confirmation bias.”

I’ve never known anyone who has won the lottery but that doesn’t mean nobody has ever won the lottery.


what realm are you on? I might have to make a new alt over there and try it out lol.
Daggerspine and Aerie Peak were not exactly problem free lol

No, I’m talking about watching someone get kicked for low skill, and how sad that is, considering that is likely a new player. And if it is a tank, we have a tank shortage enough as it is already. I have also been saying this repeatedly throughout this thread.

I’ve voted no to most of the roughly five I’ve seen since Wrath. Because I don’t care if someone falls behind or is doing crappy dps in a normal dungeon.

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best i can do to translate the unbridled confusion fused with angst that “???” conveys to me:

You should probably tell yourself that then lol

Cuz you want people not put at the front of the line for kicking, but also want people put at the front of the line after kicking

You also want multiple checks put in place that will scan words and activity, which is entirely not going to work cuz GL getting that in a way that can’t be abused the exact same way you say kicks are abused now

You really got no suggestion that would improve things, you just wanna keep it as “abusable” as it currently is and possibly add even more avenues to abuse it harder

Vs the simple “Well 3/4 people agreed that X is an issue, so remove them to ensure the other 3/4 people can continue to enjoy their game”

This literally happened to me playing as a tank, healer jumped off the ledge in dead mines and I got kicked because the healer died and I hadn’t taken the shortcut cuz I was already in combat, decided just to stick as DPS, not worth the hastle lmao.

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maybe not to you, Blizzard is fine with it. They have repeated said you can be VtK for whatever reason and they won’t step in.

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Tbh if that was a kick reason, I would vote against it

some ‘MMO’ at that point…seriously.
When we have to be told not to abuse other players with the tool, maybe we need to take a break from gaming and figure out some life goals or something instead.