A simple solution to the vote kick issue

Jean Baudrillard enters the chat…or does he?

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Im not a gear/ilvl nut since end of legion anyway so I likely wasnt paying much attention. I pretty much gave up on pvp too when some kid went off on some tirade and was chewed out by a few players for his over the top crap in the chat box lol. Too much drama.

Did get some pvp sets back then for my rogue and hunter that are pretty cool.

Great, then address this part:

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And there is a support article that says the following:

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Right so you want them to rebuild this whole system around scanning for words and activity to see if the “kick is justified”

Alright I pull a mob and stand there auto attack, good luck everyone, can’t kick me cuz I pulled but I’m not helping still

My apologies for misunderstanding.

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One day in the far distant future AI will probably monitor our performance, chats and cross platform conversations to expose the truth. That I stepped in bad, my cat jumped on the keyboard and caused me to aggro Mecha Zekvir and it wiped the whole raid

But it could…

Prove That people exaggerate, embellish, leave out facts and hide behind lies. Of course that could be an invasion of privacy, but how else we gonna prove any kick decisions were made in good faith? How can we be certain if we weren’t there?

But I’m sure no matter what people will circumvent the rules. It’s human nature. And by this definition proves we aren’t robots


:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

They aren’t very clear and things and change what they’re saying kinda often to be fair

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that would have been my nearly joking comments somewhere above.
I know we need to have it…its the timeout that is the real issue for the mos part.
Though I think kicking players who havent earned a kick ought to be a punishable offense, personally…just like I think flag abuse should be punished.

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They also contradict themselves left and right.

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Did you assume his gender? Rough.


sooner or later AI will be playing the game for us anyway lol


Nope. It also isn’t a rule book, it’s just a long-winded way to say “don’t be a jerk, dude.”

Ironically, something people who invoke it on the forums don’t follow very consistently.


I resemble this remark.

And it’s all good, but thank you, Mal

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Dunno if theirs any expectation of privacy in a game where what few GM’s exist can already go through your entire DM’s, guild convos, and combat logs, as well as all chat channels.

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I haven’t seen a single unjustified kick in my entire history playing the game, straight from when dungeon finder was added to the game

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I wouldn’t have either if I assumed that all kicks were justified.

Meanwhile, me, having seen mostly garbage kick attempts and declined them.


I guess I believe that, but OMG…it might be a realm thing…maybe mine just is that horrible lol…but it was soooo aggitating waiting to get into a run, to have the tank kicked for something petty like a wrong turn or checking his map real quick, called degenerate names in the reason box…that crap was getting seriously annoying lol.
I play WoW to enjoy myself…not deal with personalities that mirror some of my extended family members who live for that kind of behavior. lol

Legit, love his philosophy on simulation & hyperreality - way ahead of his time, I think. Dude even side-eyed things like fax machines. But he is dead now, so I don’t think he minds much with my musings :upside_down_face:

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Voting to remove someone is one thing.

However the power of giving a 30-minute debuff is not a power that players can dish out. It is too easy for a premade group to join normal dungeons and grief people. It’s too much power for anyone to have.

I already addressed this, I suggested a few conditionals to determine a “valid” kick or not, that are automated.

Again I think it is a mistake to have everyone have the ability to give someone a 30 minute debuff. Kick them from the group? sure that’s fair, but the debuff is like giving GM powers to everyone.

I think Blizzard should create guidelines on this, certain conditions where a player cannot give the debuff to someone else. Kicking someone for their transmog, as an indisputable inane reason, should not result in someone getting a 30 minute debuff and should not result in the group getting to cut the line to get another tank, thus delaying me and my wait for some leveling dungeon

I don’t consider my suggestions to be a full rebuild, far from it. I think it is the addition of a switch statement block

This seems really futile, and this person 100% will get reported.