A simple solution to the vote kick issue

Anything can be abused.

Nothing in the world is ever fool proof.


Correct but I think they’re just repeating what Blizzard said on the matter.

I think the lesson that is being learned is that not everyone is nice nor has to be. Just like in real life.

Ah I see.

I’m just coming in and out of the thread halfway reading stuff.

You’re not wrong! What’s funny is that we have adults who make the conscious choice to be bad people and rationalize it by hiding behind technicalities so that they can seem justified in being bad people.


It would remove a huge number of players from the game, truly turning it into a tiny elitist game with a cult following.

I think Blizzard would love to remove the group finder. There are certainly those who imagine it would return the game to a time when they like to think everybody did the hardest content in videogames around the clock, and there were no casuals. Whatever. Everyone raided, everyone belonged to serious guilds, and 100% of players had Naxxramas on farm.

The reality is that not a single dungeon would be run outside of end game. Not a single group would be formed prior to max level. Only on a handful of realms would any guilds raid.


I think the winky face was supposed to be like a /s for sarcasm.

Just say i play along with this game called have the right to kick players.
Lets just say there are 4 Horde and 1 Alliance players in my group. I vote to kick the Alliance player because i don’t like the Alliance which is my personal issue, but according to Blizzard i have the right do so. if i don’t like someone in my group regardless if what they have done, than i have every right to kick them.


You can’t VTK alliance players cause dungeon / raid finder isn’t cross faction yet.

Unless they just released it then if so ignore that.

Correct, you absolutely have that right.

Sounds pretty bad when you say it all out loud, doesn’t it?

In my many years, I’ve seen a whole bunch of various reasons. Afk, idiot, lol, loser, troll, etc. all legal!


…LOL…and so it begins


I really stepped onto a hornet’s nest with this one. I had no idea it was a such a contentious issue! But I get it. The system can fail pretty colossally


its not contentious at all. This has been an ongoing issue in here that isnt being resolved.


We claim it cant be abused only because BLIZZARD allows it to be used the way it is.
IF they took a stand for their Social Contract and the behavior it requires and applied it to the VK system, now we have to admit it CAN be abused because some are wasting other players time, trolling them with kicks that arent warranted due to that players own behavior.
If that happens then this nonsense that it cant be abused will change pronto.


Allowing people to drive was a bad idea and had predictable results.
And we handle that as best as possible by creating rules to restrict and punish bad behavior.
And those rules are modified all the time to try to adapt to new abuses as they arise.

I could live with LFR follower / delve type solo content. Let us do the raids sans real players. Sign me up.

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LFD wasn’t bad idea ,but there are players like myself who can not get along with everyone because of not having the right mind set or differences of personality.
Either players all think alike or they don’t . That is the nature of the beast.

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All kicks have a reason behind them. You just might not like the reason.

You can be kicked for literally any reason. Majority rules!

Case in point: we had some dude in our group named MrRogers or something. 3 people in my group didn’t like that TV show as kids. He got kicked. Deserter was deserved.

But was it really?




No, not really.

It never even happened. It was a joke, but not a good one.