A simple solution for the Mage Tower problem

You’re forgetting the “rules for thee and not for me” while blatantly violating his own rules.

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couldn’t have been more perfect if it was planned lol

But they made it with the intention of it having a fixed difficulty so that it’s not like everything else in the game.

You can either try to complete it in the gear you have, or go farm some older content for the trinkets that trivialize it to a degree.

The push for most players you’re looking for already exists. Go out and get that older gear.

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i disagree, just master your class. they’re supposed be to challenging.

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They’re not talking to me ‘forum avatar’ at they? They’re talking to me. Or maybe you roleplay as your character on the forums which is why you even took upon that name and refuse to post on retail chars like all level 10 posting alts?

I’ve corrected many of the people that misgendered me, like Caps, but they continually intentionally do so which is dehumanizing and they do it exactly for that reason.

Curiously you’ve spammed a bunch of derailing here and were the one to post tons of personal insults in your posts whereas I never posted any at you.

People do it because they don’t care enough about your comfort to change how they naturally type. You’re a worgon from moonguard… what did you expect?

Sweetheart, please reread the comment I left where I listed just a few of your personal attacks. The one where you couldn’t think of any defense for yourself and tried to gloss over.


I figure it was aimed at current legendaries. I wouldn’t mind legiondaries. Might actually be fun but still would need a little bit of a tuning pass I would think.

Why? It’s literally how the challenge was designed around! Just tune it around how THEY DID IT IN LEGION.

Because some talents are from the legiondaries and the legendaries themselves have been disabled.

I doubt that there are too many people on this forum who care enough about you to even remember your real gender. You’re taking this video game way too serious.

Here you go again, taking everything personal and having to spit fire at people for no reason. You should consider a break from the forum.


So I say this as someone who walked in - spent an hour worth of time and basically said, nope, not for me. And I don’t mind that - it’s challenge mode, and I’d rather do other things (queue “Get Gud” and “I 1-shot Affliction, it’s easiest” comments).

But was there a reason why they scaled the Mage Tower the way that they did?

I don’t mean in terms of difficulty, but they scaled it to fit the power levels and skills of our current characters, minus covenant abilities, and Shadowlands specific gear (and legendaries).

It would seem (without knowing the underlying code) like it would be easier to keep the original Mage Tower the same, scale us down to level 50 (similar to timewalking) and scale gear down to level 50 version. Or possibly just give us all cookie cutter outfits.

I’m just curious about whether Blizzard gave a reason for their choice.

You mean it was an accident discovered the very first timewalking weekend back in WoD.

Fine. Disable the one’s with conflict.

no, those would trivialize it just like they helped do so when Argus went live. look, it’s a challenge, a challenge that isnt going anywhere by the way… just work on your skills at the class you’re trying to do the challenge as and if you want a boost, wait for a certain spec to get buffs, the only thing that can stop you from earning these prizes is staring at you right in the mirror, you can do it with enough practice and gearing for an advantage.

I think they scaled it down to 45 and disabled all our expansion based borrowed power because they want to make things easy going forward. If they balanced the fights around current leggos/covenants the fights would immediately break come 10.0, they would have to endlessly re tune fights based off of each expansions borrowed power system.
The way it is now with all leggos/ borrowed power means all they have to do each expansion/patch is make sure the class tuning doesn’t get out of control. It’s just easier for them, and imo makes a lot of sense