A simple solution for the Mage Tower problem

It isnt nearly that difficult that only 0.01% of players have it without buying it. Some challenges arent anywhere near that difficult.

If you took half the time you spend whining on the forums about MT being too hard, you could read an Icy Veins guide and complete it.

So adding 30 to 40% extra dmg means nothing now? Every single challenge gets significantly easier if you have more dmg.

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Yeah, but that’s not what they wanted with the mage tower clearly, or else they would’ve done that.

It’s ok to have a piece of content in the game that’s different from the other content in the game.

EASIER yes, but not to the point its just trivialized. MANY of them have a one shot mechanic, or something that could screw you up that isn’t associated with damage…so no it doesn’t remotely trivialize to the point its just handed out by any means

They removed all “Borrowed Power” so the difficulty stays the same all future x-pacs.

And what’s wrong with the fact that it’s different now (with the progression)?
The tryhards already did it, those who follow the tryhards did it too.

What’s wrong with hards (not tryhards) doing it now?

Let me give you the full quote:

The only valid source for whether or not I think something is me. I am asserting an opinion, not a fact.

It was easy back then. Why is it harder now?

It invalidates the work others have put in and it clearly isn’t their design goal. They want the mage tower to remain difficult forever.

Nothing is stopping you from doing it now. Just go to the broken shore and queue up.

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I was talking about these “prestige awards” from raiding and Pvp that are being earned thru boosting and carries. Are you telling me that its not happening and never was? lol

It was only easier after the next patch and power creep of ilevel…It wasn’t really easy in 7.2 when released

Every single challenge has the main difficulty of doing enough dmg. Do more dmg then you have too do less mechanics, that us massive.
A normal guardian druid run could be around 4 or 5 minutes, that’s alot of infernals knockbacks and annihilations, there’s people who have reduced that 4 to 5 minutes down to 1 minute, that is crazy with just what we have now.

Even the healer challenges require doing dmg to progress for some reason which I find somewhat odd.

I see it exactly as a mythic raid. At the time only the best of the server can do it.
But as the expansion and expansions go on so can others.

Why intentionally make the content with a fixed difficulty? The elite have already done it, they have already shown that they are the elite, why continue to punish the rest of the players who are more than the elite?

If the idea is that everything stays for the elite, then we are going to leave the old raids with the same mythic difficult that nobody except those who always do it can do it.

Is there any word on them adding more rewards to the MT? These transmogs won’t do it for me.


Are you telling us that 99.9% of people are buying their prestige awards? Do you have a citation? I’ll wait.

It’s not a mythic raid. It’s a solo challenge.

The game needs rewards that aren’t commonly attained. It gives players something to strive for and something to maintain its appeal years down the road.

Time sensitive and harder to obtain items make an MMORPG good.

In a weird way, it’s closer to the elite pvp set than a mythic raid set.

Are you saying the MT and Elite PvP sets are similar difficulty?