[A] <Schwarzenegger Will BRB> RP-PvSTUFF

06/07/2018 06:58 AMPosted by Paramedíc
Join us today! We root against the Golden State Warriors.

Add Paul George to that list. The guy that misled an entire city and fan base for 2 years.

Thunder's pitch to Paul George

Sam Prestii: Here's 137 million dollars.

PG: yep, ok.

Either he seriously believes he is better at basketball than Kevin Durant, or he just wanted the money. Not hard to guess which.
Paul George is one of the most overrated ''stars'' in the NBA, but I do respect the fact that he no longer believes he should ever be the best player on a team.

Unfortunately for OKC, he shouldn't be the second either.

He should be the third best.... and then you have something.
07/01/2018 05:20 AMPosted by Owlcapwn

Unfortunately for OKC, he shouldn't be the second either.

He should be the third best.... and then you have something.

The only way I disagree with this is if Lebron is the #1 option.

Then he can be the #2 option.

Otherwise I agree.

For example. Kevin Love as a "#2" was carried through the finals.

Even though he was actually the 5th option on the team. Lebron was 1-4
Paul George in the 3rd star role (like bosh or Love) would be amazing, he fits Lebron so much better than those 2 guys.
See, I have an inside source. Lebron. You have ESPN, kid.

His #1 choice is Boston.

76ers/Lakers/Houston are all possibilites

I hate to say i told you so, i respect you're opinion and agree with a lot of what you think, but he only took a meeting from the Lakers and a phone call from Cleveland at 12:01 . He didn't even consider Houston/76ers/Boston.

I called #Lebronzo a year ago. As Lavar would say "speak it into existence"
You said he never had interest in Boston. He did. You also said Boston had no interest in Lebron, because of Cryrie Irving. They did. I also said, nothing would come of it, and we'd never know the extent of the interest each party had, because Lebron was never going to put himself, or his family into a situation like that, unless Cryrie manned up. You also said Lebron would never play with Irving - That's false. Lebron James has absolutely no issue with Cryrie Irving. If Irving had acted like a leader, and pitched Lebron into joining him - we might be looking at a different situation. I never said he'd join Boston. It was never going to happen, because of Cryrie Irving. Brad Stevens/Danny Ainge were interested, believe me.

My prediction of San Antonio fell through when Leonard made it perfectly clear he wanted out. I made this prediction, because my source (GOAT) let it be known that both he and Leonard had conversations of playing together. Since I have no source inside of Leonard's mind/camp, I was clueless as to how serious the San Antonio situation had gotten. I'm sure Lebron didn't know either... at first.

I knew Lebron was going to Los Angeles for a week now. He had no contact with teams, other than Cleveland via the phone.

He asked me my opinion, and I told him - If it were me, I'd do it. Owlcapwn is all about that Hollywood lifestyle. I'm a pure entertainer, and the best at my craft.
Take this step by step. Going by your own words here.

07/01/2018 08:21 PMPosted by Owlcapwn
You said he never had interest in Boston. He did.

if he had he would have given them a meeting. Or a little hint they needed to clear up cap space for him. He did neither.

07/01/2018 08:21 PMPosted by Owlcapwn
You also said Lebron would never play with Irving - That's false.

That true I did say that. It's clearly not false.

07/01/2018 08:21 PMPosted by Owlcapwn

My prediction of San Antonio fell through when Leonard made it perfectly clear he wanted out. I made this prediction, because my source (GOAT) let it be known that both he and Leonard had conversations of playing together.

he never publicized that. *tampering* again false.

07/01/2018 08:21 PMPosted by Owlcapwn

I was clueless as to how serious the San Antonio situation had gotten. I'm sure Lebron didn't know either

According to you he was in conversations with Kawhi. So he knew the entire time.

07/01/2018 08:21 PMPosted by Owlcapwn

I knew Lebron was going to Los Angeles for a week now. He had no contact with teams, other than Cleveland via the phone.

We literally had this conversation less than a week ago. You didn't know. You said you or he himself didn't know then. Which is factually inaccurate because he did know.

07/01/2018 08:21 PMPosted by Owlcapwn

He asked me my opinion, and I told him - If it were me, I'd do it. Owlcapwn is all about that Hollywood lifestyle. I'm a pure entertainer, and the best at my craft.

Even though you said San Antonio i'll give you a pass. Because you are very entertaining.
There's only one other person in this world that can make as many false statements as you in that short of a time period. i'm impressed.
His interest in Boston was heavily reliant on Cryrie Irving's reaction. As I said before, if Cryrie had recruited Lebron, he'd be a Boston Celtic right now.

Both parties had interest, but neither could really do anything about it, without pissing off their overrated, overdribbling SG with 80 year old knees.

Lebron/Leonard just recently had conversations. San Antonio's been off the table ever since. Our conversation happened around Jun 10th, which is longer than a week ago, kid. Listen, I don't have to prove myself to you... I am me, and you are you. I have sources, and you have your television set. Lebron and I are Hollywood bound now.

I'm done with this. Enjoy your guild, while it still exists.
07/01/2018 10:04 PMPosted by Owlcapwn
His interest in Boston was heavily reliant on Cryrie Irving's reaction. As I said before, if Cryrie had recruited Lebron, he'd be a Boston Celtic right now.

He wouldn't be a celtic right now regardless of anything, but I do agree he would have had an interest in being one if kyrie had wanted him to be one.

07/01/2018 10:04 PMPosted by Owlcapwn

I'm done with this. Enjoy your guild, while it still exists.

You are very entertaining. But let's be honest. your version of PvP is ganking a streamer with low health or no cooldowns to piss them off. you aren't going to destroy my guild when all the streamers here only stream arena. And don't need cooldowns to win anything.
Your two latest posts is the reason I don't have regular conversations with people. Instead of focusing on the conversation, and being decent, the person turns it into a pissing contest with them trying to discredit me. You don't even know the difference between Jun 9th (our actual conversation) and ''less than a week ago''... and you're trying to discredit Owlcapwn?

Why don't you just acknowledge my greatness, and knowledge in, well, everything? Maybe then we can have a decent conversation one day.

PVP guilds are dying in general. I have no desire to hunt down any of your members. I've seen your members several times, and left them alone. Besides, Kat's cool. She doesn't spend her days trying to discredit people at every turn.

Think about what I said...
Actually i was enjoying having conversation with you. you made great points and good arguments on basketball related things. People spend their days trying to discredit you at every turn because of statements you make. I have no desire to be one of them. I just enjoy debate :)
07/01/2018 10:32 PMPosted by Owlcapwn
I've seen your members several times, and left them alone. Besides, Kat's cool.

"Kat's cool." -Owlcapwn 2018.


Add it to the recruitment post Kathelice.
this guild makes me want to switch to alliance again
07/02/2018 12:09 PMPosted by Gravybrain
this guild makes me want to switch to alliance again

<333 ty

Even if just want to make a lil toon hang out would be welcome. Don't have to be 110 over night :)
I made a female human rogue names ganktress, I will see about hanging with you all. seems like a fun guild
Should be a few online that can invite. Most of us on after dinnertime. I will be on then.
We just made a sports channel in our discord and I am not allowed to go in and talk about balls ><
says who
07/03/2018 11:56 AMPosted by Katalinamoon
We just made a sports channel in our discord and I am not allowed to go in and talk about balls ><

LMAO that's funny as/f