We just made a sports channel in our discord and I am not allowed to go in and talk about balls ><
LMAO that's funny as/f
With all the stuff happening in the NBA right now our disc is flooded with basketball talk. some weirdos like Kat just want to talk about male genitalia in there
How can I get in on this guild? I'm very good at talking !@#$ in guild chat and contributing very little in a raid environment
How can I get in on this guild? I'm very good at talking !@#$ in guild chat and contributing very little in a raid environment
Find the kitty in goldshire and give many pets.
<Schwarzenegger will BRB> Is currently recruiting active members for BFA and beyond. We will be leveling to 120 in groups with warmode. We will also be working to gear up collectively for RBGs and mythics. Add my btag for more info or whisper someone online for an inivite :)
Tonight in Goldshire Storytime by Berovir the Paladin.
Tonight in Goldshire Storytime by Berovir the Paladin.
That was funny, there was a lot of stories. lmao
Good Times!!
Okay somebody go through the step by step of community guild stuff for bfa. Thanks.
Recruiting a good hunter for RBGs!
Might as well bump the thread since the server doesn't know up from down today.
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I just got home hoping to play and found out a certain someone crashed the servers
Mind if I bring my DK over?
Hey Kovacz. I missed your tell sorry was alt tabbed trying to fix addons lol. Lots in guild can invite though so if I am not on whisper somebody would love to have you :)
Hey Kovacz. I missed your tell sorry was alt tabbed trying to fix addons lol. Lots in guild can invite though so if I am not on whisper somebody would love to have you :)
This would be why you have the 2nd most deaths in Goldshire behind sensuality. you always alt tab flagged to watch balls... i mean streamers... i mean streamers balls... i mean
Hey Kovacz. I missed your tell sorry was alt tabbed trying to fix addons lol. Lots in guild can invite though so if I am not on whisper somebody would love to have you :)
No prob, I figured you were busy so I ended up bugging Flash for an invite.
Recruiting for things and stuff.
Specifically, Goldshire Warmode.