[A-RP/PvX] History is hiring fast! M+ Keys, Rated PvP, Light RP, and now on a schedule!

Are you sick of other drill down and fail fast ventures with no scalable integration? Are you tired of having a single pane of glass and no platform? Are your scrums boiling in an ocean, disruptive, and just not giving back your time?

You have problems and the rest is History.

History is a holistic commercial enterprise anchored in Boralus, Kul Tiras incentivized to unpack, move the needle, and get the maximum return on your investment! With the core competency and flexibility to meet ballpark quotas, our ecosystem of touchpoint logistics differentiates us with high visibility that other competitors don’t synergize with in this next generation of hyperlocal customer experience.

A wheelhouse of lean and lean-in, History simply revolutionizes outside of the box. Retargeting stakeholders’ quick wins keeps us on the bleeding edge of actionable services so we can circle back on big data and to not know what you don’t know. Here at History, we know how to partner the verb, and the bottom line is our buy-in in a content-is-king, agile, deep dive is our hard stop. Blockchain automation brings us to the same table as you: table stakes, bringing something to the table, or even tabling it for later!

Metrics on a net-net vertical bring blue skies for History’s omni-channel optics. Our company is on the fast-track to the it list and we’re ready to fast blast kudos all around, but truth be told is that we’re in the weeds and on your radar! Top of mind sustainability technology synergizes our application process only for the best, only for the brightest, and only for the empowered.

Amplify your future with History. Impact, push the envelope, and spin up your survival strategy with a joint venture with History today. We’re taking applications only from the best-in-class from from the event horizon as we continue to grow our brand. As we expand our operations in a post-Fourth War society, we restructure our profits and streamline them directly to your pockets!

Hi, Wyrmrest Accord!

History is a newly-formed 18+ content-driven guild going into Shadowlands, but starting out we’re a tight-knit group of friends slowly reforming ingame as the expansion shifts into gear. We’re a group of casual roleplayers looking to play the game on an equally casual level. With a primary focus on RP at first, our goal is to expand into a small social community later on in Shadowlands so our players have a solid, reliable core to do other game content with. We hate pugging mythic+ keys in the group finder as much as anyone else, too!

History’s light-hearted, delivery company RP falls under general grey area business endeavors! Corporate grifting, money laundering, and questionably lawful shenanigans are just a sample from the themes we pull from, and we hope our services will be contracted out to other guilds and organizations as well!


We’ve got a weekly schedule figured out!

Tuesday - Bi-Weekly PvP Night (5pm PST/8pm EST to 8pm PST/11pm EST)
Wednesday - PvE Night #1 (5pm PST/8pm EST to 8pm PST/11pm EST)
Thursday - PvE Night #2 (5pm PST/8pm EST to 8pm PST/11pm EST)
Sunday - Weekly History RP Meeting (4pm PST/7pm EST to 7pm PST/10pm EST)

PvE Nights so far are reserved for pushing Mythic+ Keys, Torghast, or generally catching up newly-leveled characters or to learn mechanics! Endgame raiding is on our radar and if/when we get around to it, we’ll dedicate one or both of those nights towards raid progression.

Interested in joining up? Great! There are a few things to consider before getting in touch with us:

• We’re an LGBTQIA+ all inclusive guild. Prejudice, racism, and all kinds of hate rhetoric will be met with swift and permanent ejection
• We’re an 18+ group of adults, no exceptions
• Push-to-talk in voice chat oh god don’t let me hear your bag of chips i will scream
• Don’t be negative and ragequit in the middle of an RP event or AFK out of a battleground, that’s fun for nobody

If all of this sounds agreeable to you and you’re ready to reach out, find us and apply through the Guild Finder ingame, get a hold of one of our officers, or apply with the link below. We can also communicate through BattleNet or Discord, just let us know!

tinyurl . com / applyhistory


you belong in a museum!

ill make as many league of legends references vaguely at you today as i want


The cycle of life and death continues. They will live, we will die.

wait hold on

Hope is the opiate of the frail.

wait a minute


but that’s why i’m here

Bumping thread! Owner is Swell and we’re all disasters.

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Hey guys what’s going on here

nothing absolutely terrible will happen on the 10th


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Morning prod!

take psychic damage today

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okay this won’t fit my character but I’m popping in here anyway to tell you that this is the best writeup I’ve seen in a looooong time and also my husband (who is a logistical wizard in a corporation) has asked me to email him the link to this thread because he almost messed himself laughing and wants to show his boss. I may make an alt for this. It is glorious. Kudos to you, Corporate Grifters. Kudos.

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Heya! Thanks for the kind words, it really means a whole bunch! :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:

Really though, I just did an online search for “corporate buzzwords” and slammed them together in a word soup post and I’m really glad it helps capture the spirit of what we’re going for! I’m still not entirely too sure what most of it means, let’s be real here. :stuck_out_tongue:

But definitely hit us up if you want to park a character with us! We’ll be around more and more as the expansion ramps up! Especially now since there there’s a whole new Scourge invasion to make some money off of. :3

Evening bump!

Mornin’, WrA!

Up to the top once again~

To the top for a few hours!

Thursday night!

Morning bump again!

Good evening bump!

Anyone watching Saturday morning cartoons?

I watched Futurama aaaaaaaall day!