The mounts alone make visiting retail seem like a freak show to my eyes. I just take a look at all these freaky creatures people are riding and think “not sure what this is, but it ain’t the WoW I know and love.”
Honestly, everybody likes to trash talk the thing they don’t like. It’s classic human tribalism. It’s why sports rivalries exist. I wouldn’t put too much stock in it.
Probably because they don’t know a far superior version of the game exists!
Haha the last part of that is just kidding around. I actually don’t hate retail per se, but I did get tired of paying for what I can only describe as beta access. Blizzard gets around to fixing stuff eventually, but the initial release of an expansion or season was always hot garbage up until the point I stopped playing (DF S2).
When I play Classic Era I’m playing a very solid game with design principles that speak to me, and I know what to expect. Blizzard still manages to break things now and again but for the most part, things just work. I trade variety in content for reliability and right now, that works for me.
I’ve been away from retail for maybe two years now and while parts of me do miss M+ and the squad I ran with, it’s just not enough for me to want to go back into that FOMO gated progress mess.
It was the actual needing “wowhead” guides pages long that has me go…no. Retail later parts to me jsut said “let’s turn even crafting into a convoluted mess to just…level”.
Maybe its me getting older, I just like ye old kill 1000 animals and craft with the skins.
Social crafting crap…I did that in eve. the thing is it wasn’t to level my crafting skills. I did that all by myself. I got social to hunt down materials/components at better price, run bulk orders.
dudes needing 10 of one ship type, I can do that. since it’s 10 of them making my life easier, we can haggle on discounts even.
In time I didn’t even need to sell on markets. I had mail in/chat clients.
Getting full BIS is no small feat but this is really just the first step for min/maxers. There are a lot of different ways to push personal achievement on your character after completing their gear.
Aside from evident endgame goals like parsing, I’m still continually refining my UI to be as minimalist as possible while displaying my rotation perfectly across a broad range of situations. It’s become a work of art at this point.
In other modes with constant updates like retail, there simply isn’t enough time between patches to fully optimize add-ons to the degree that I aim for in Era.
The difficulty gap between the two versions of the game is impossible to quantify.
Classic is a joke in terms of difficulty. Modern WoW is probably too hard for most people at this point, but the difference couldn’t be more substantive.
It sounds more like you just make up arbitrary goals for yourself in Era but won’t do the same in retail.
I don’t find it hard to get my UI where I want it, takes me maybe a couple weeks after max level to and doing a few raids on a new class and that’s just adding one or two new WA’s every once in awhile. Era being a solved game means I don’t need to tweak my UI much.
not really its just the natural development of a popular past time. when people first play it the overall pool of people is smaller and now its massive with having kids being raised playing video games vs people like my mother who thought computers were a quaint idea when they came out.
basically exactly what i was saying. they were just bad at the game compared to today. people now in days treat the game like a science and have a much deeper understanding of video games in general.
Kevin Jordan said it best. If content is not challenging enough, it’s up to the playerbase to invent new challenges. In the case for raids, limiting the comp with less than optimal makes the content challenging for those looking for it (or single race stacking/single class stacking).
Proof of concept is hardcore mode. Leveling is super easy compared to raids/dungeons, but limiting the leveling with self imposed challenges adds a RP level of complexity that makes it feel more fresh than say in retail where that content is super curated.
I used to raid in wow competitively. I don’t anymore because of the time commitment. You just assume everyone on the forums has never played a high level just so you can feel like everyone else has a wrong or lesser opinion. You’re a small person.
Seems like you don’t know how it works? having to spam mythic+ to gear up during raid is not fun for most high end players.
classic players know nothing but classic and that’s why they shame anything else.
-yes those classic andys who trash talk retail never played retail except for a try and then his/her mind refused it for this reason “Omg too much things I can’t catch up with that” “look at all those mounts/pets/currency” their speech only prove that they are retail noobs and ignorants.
-the reason he/she say that is because they are dumb people irl who want to get everything & to collect all items in game (the mentality of play to obtain) where you can only find in classic players and that’s why they stick with classic and they would do what ever it takes to achieve that, meanwhile they know that even if they are no lifer they can’t do that in retail because retail keep adding new content/items AND require adaptation where the classic players just want to do the same thing without using their mind to think or adapt.
P.S: if any person would want to just play for fun, he/she would find retail More revealing, way better than any version of classic.
I play MMOs primarily for the leveling experience and classic WoW is superior than retail in this regard. In classic I have to manage my mana and health; I have to have situational awareness at all times or I get overwhelmed; I use all of my abilities since fights take longer and adds force me to BoP myself, use BoF, bubble etc; there are elite quests that require a group; and I have to travel all over Azeroth to complete quests.
In retail I gather up every mob within sight and aoe them down; I don’t need to pay attention to my mana or health; the open world isn’t dangerous at all; you level too fast and can never complete story archs, even using chrome time; balance in leveling dungeons is non-existent due to scaling; and any elites in the world you can solo or queue for and instantly have a group to nuke it down.
All challenge has been removed from the world and put into M+ and Raids. The seasonal nature makes getting gear and progressing pointless, since your progress gets reset frequently and you can just solo open world stuff and get epic gear that way. Level scaling takes the joy out of leveling. Blizzard puts in systems and rewards that are intentionally grindy and/or time-gates to waste your time and extend subscriptions.
It can be fine to gather up camps of mobs in the open world, in delves, or dungeons and aoe everything down, but not fun enough to take retail seriously anymore.
Classic isn’t perfect and there’s a few things I’d want to change myself, but it’s just a superior version to retail and I’m more willing to dedicate my limited free time in Classic than retail. In classic I feel like I’m constantly progressing towards something and I get to keep that progress. In retail, I feel like I’m wasting my time and any progress I make gets reset in a few months anyways, so why bother?