Sylvanas did not slaughter her way to Darkshore and set Teldrassil ablaze all by herself
I want the Kaldorei to deliver justice to the people who are responsible, and that is not -just- Sylvanas.
I want Sylvanas, I want Nathanos, I want the Shaman who stoked the fires, I want the catapult engineers, I want the fire enchanters. And I want the Kaldorei to do it… Not Anduin, not Thrall, not Jaina… I want Tyrande and her followers to do it.
for all you know they are dead, specially since this war had massive deaths lol
Well, you and I have very different perspectives then. I personally don’t see the value in spending more lives than necessary to get back that which you can regain for free. Especially when it gets you no closer to main culprit of your grief (and, worse still, plays into her plans).
Personally, I’d rather not end a narrative with the Kal’dorei pursuing vengeance so single-mindedly that it can only logically lead to their extinction.
yeah imagine letting sylvanas play her 5D chess all over you.
or they kill Sylvanas, Nathanos, and all the Horde that was active in Teldrassil’s burning. That is a possibility…
Like you do know who writes this game right, you seen the last 20 years of writing?
So no matter what the writers decide to do, the Night Elves are going to get the shaft. I rather burn out than fade away.
Pretty mature “IF I can have the nelves the way I want, NO ONE CAN.”
The Nuremburg Trials had defined standards on who was subject to prosecution… and no it wasn’t every single grunt who worked at the camps. And you certainly were not goinmg to get the Germans to surrender if your terms were the extermination of the entire nationality.
Trying to draw parallels to Germany in WW2 and what’s happened in WoW is as laughable as it is misdirected. They aren’t equivalent. Stop trying to make them be.
Say the purple human…
… Isn’t that just having an opinion? Isnt that the perspective of everyone here? Everyone wants to believe their version is the correct one.
I’m not the one that brought up WW2 or the one trying to make genocide and rape comparisons. I asked:
I dont know how that actually worked nor do I care, its not relevant at all to the point I was trying to make.
Are we gonna have a cat fight, soon?
The problem with this sort of resolution is it leads to the lameo crap like at the end of MoP where it was just the most unsatisfying ending. Yeah ok here’s Azshara pull out of Ashenvale, all happens off screen yep see it’s all good now…
And honestly who said it has to be a bloody fight? Why can’t the NE’s descend on the forces in Darkshore and Ashenvale and just utterly annihilate them? It would be a nice finishing conclusion to this expansion to see the NEs actually just run rough shod over the remnant forces left there. Could do some thing with only Sylvanas’ loyalists staying and the “true” horde forces pulling out.
Why would baine have the horde hold on to those lands, thats why you ask the impossible, its not possible cause the horde is gonna just hand over everything without a fight, cause thrall and baine would never waste lives on lands they never had claim too.
The best way to make up for Teldrassil as long as Sylvanas isn’t dealt with is to make sure to kill any Horde soldiers who does not immediately leave Night elf territory. They don’t leave, they die. No exceptions.
Then you set up a ‘no tolerence’ policy. No unauthorized Horde member can enter Ashenvale or other Night elf territory. If they enter without prior authorization and without complying to any demands the Night elves have, they die. No exceptions.
That is an assumption that may or may not be true. Regardless, the Kaldorei are owed justice.
Ill just point back to my post from before
“Could do some thing with only Sylvanas’ loyalists staying and the “true” horde forces pulling out.”
For obvious gameplay reasons, you’re not even getting close to what you’re asking for.
The Horde is not surrendering to the Alliance, and certainly not to the Night Elves, and the Alliance isn’t left with anything they can use to do anything about it. The reverse situation also applies. The existing Horde garrisons in Ashenvale aren’t going away.