A reminder to Nelf Fans

If you want to take back Darkshore and Ashenvale and make the murderers that genocided your people and burns an entire zone down suffer the consequences for their evil? Then it’s actually you who is the evil one. Consumed by vengeance and a desire to see your home returned to you, you evil vengeance consumed monster. I bet you’d call the police if someone broke onto your home irl, killed your pet, and stole your TV you absolute monster. Can’t tell the burglar was just misunderstood?

I better get the option to turn on FFA pvp against the rest of the Alliance and side with my High Priestess when these absolete hacks make her the next faction villain.


Have fun feeding souls to the ever-hungering darkness, just like Sylvanas wants.


I think enough of your people have died fighting us “murderers”, give yourselves some time to recover.


Sure is convenient for the Horde that when retaliation time comes, they’re suddenly off-limits because of outside factors.


Well blizz cant have the allisnce actully land a blow to the horde that shows serious consequences that affect npcs


Yeah, you Night Elves are no better than Sylvanas! Shame on you!


Yeah! You female night elves and your big hands! Go and pick up a horse you big handers! Nuuuh!


In WoW, anyone who runs around destroying and killing lots of people from any of the faction has to be willing to bear the burden of being the villain. The Horde got to do it, but it wasn’t convenient. They had to work for a villain who destroyed one of their own cities, killed one of their few remaining lore characters of importance, and ended up revealing she was playing them all for fools before abandoning them.

I mean yeah, you can want Blizzard to write your faction/character as consumed with vengeance, destruction, and bloodshed… but I don’t think many people would really like the price Blizzard exacts for this “privilege”.

I actually think it’d be kind of refreshing for the Horde to be put back on more defensive footing again.


I dont agree with this. When you’ve done the things the Horde has done to the Alliance and Night Elves; Just wanting those responsible to pay for their crimes, all of them not just Sylvanas but everyone who participated, is not being “consumed with vengeance, destruction, and bloodshed…” It’s just plain logical and right.


Not saying this is wrong because this is likely the way Blizzard intends for it to go.

But it would be worth pointing out that if Sylvanas cared about actually ending the war at this point, why wouldn’t she be first in line to storm Orgrimmar and kill everyone in the city?

But if she’s supposedly blinded by vengeance that she’s just killing everyone in Ashenvale, then that could be considered a poor use of her new power, as at this point she’s not interested in actually getting the lands back, she’s just there to kill Team Red.

Which would be an hilariously stupid way to take her, but one I can see them going.

That is true. But the major architects of this whole debacle are on the run and being hunted by Tyrande or being rounded up in Orgrimmar for imprisonment/execution. If they hadn’t already turned against her- with one of them dying in the process.

I’m speaking specifically of the people who want blood for blood. Who feel that the only way for justice to be done is if a whole lot of Horde get killed off by Tyrande/Genn. Or simply want them cut a swathe through Northern Kalimdor in retribution. Maybe destroy some settlements along the way.

Which I consider a totally understandable sentiment, and is an outcome that very well could happen- but not something Blizzard is going to let any faction do without hitting them with villain bat. Blizzard doesn’t do “justified slaughter” against a player faction, no matter how much players think the other side deserves it.


And blizzard shouldn’t listen to crazy blood thirsty players


Horde have gotten two expansions if justified slaughter where the blame was heaped onto a single entity and then handwaved away.


So we should genocide a whole people? Well I hope your ready to have your race villainzed and raid looted


Garrosh’s slaughters were never treated as justified in the narrative and resulted in the villainization of the faction as a whole and his removal as a faction leader- among other things.

So sure, slaughter away. Just be willing to accept Tyrande being the villain and possibly losing her as the leader of the Night Elves.


If Tyrande does go full villian, the seeds of Shandis becoming leader has already been sown.


Idk, seems all a bit too convenient for Sylvanas to me. If they continue doing what they’re doing, they’re helping her. If they stand there and do nothing, they’re letting her get away.

Blizzard is so fond at doing twists, I think these big plans of Sylvanas are going to backfire on her one way or another.

Yup, absolute bullsh*t!

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It makes Tyrande look like a hot-headed brainlet and Sylvanas like a chess master. It seems convenient enough to have been part of the plan.

What if they don’t let her get away with it by just focusing on Sylvanas

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