A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

Like I said, it’s weird what they pick and choose to remove.


The only thing I could think of in that post that would’ve been seen as inappropriate was me saying, “sometimes going for the throat is better than just blocking with a shield”. But that comment was made IN CONTEXT to in game storylines. Mainly the Burning Legion and how until patch 7.3, we simply ended their invasion and just waited for the next one. Which was the original plan until Velen said, “Screw you” and followed Kil’jaeden through the portal. In 7.3, we instead took the fight to Argus and defeated the Legion in one clean blow. And we should’ve done the same with the Drust given that they had invaded Ardenweald beforehand.

Clearly the mods missed the context.


Hell, it’d be simple

  1. If it’s the academic name for a literary trope, it’s fair game for the story forum
  2. If the thing/topic exists in the lore, it’s fair game, even if an otherwise inappropriate topic for the story forum
  3. If the writers of the game have described the lore in certain ways, then it’s fair game for the story forum

I’ll put in a ticket but I doubt I will get a straight answer. I probably hurt some devs feelings and that is why they removed it.

They even removed the post I made when someone replied to it. But I didn’t get a notification for that one. I can’t even find the thread the post was made in.

The r-word for coercive sexual intercourse is not allowed here, though it is a part of the lore.


I always found it weird that blizz will suggest certain sexual acts took place but than turn around and freak out if you talk about the thing they put in game or book


Another thing is that you can’t say the name of You-Know-Who’s party, but you can say “feminazi.”

Edit: Maybe it’s against the rules, too. I don’t know.


Their CoC needs some serious reworking in light of everything going on in that company, and are you really shocked that word is allowed, considering their attitude towards their female employees?


You can say sex

But you can’t say the word for a males little swimmers.

Honestly I was shocked that the post that got removed was not the monty python video I linked. Since the title has a bad word (according to blizzard).

Like how in earth is that word offensive?


I honestly don’t know. Maybe someone at blizz needs to take a few classes on the subject


I will do it for free in a single weekend.


Am I saying women have to only be babymakers? No, they don’t. Am I saying women can never have sex? No, they can. Am I saying women aren’t allowed to use contraceptives? No, they can. Am I saying women have to keep and raise the babies after they’re born? No, they don’t have to. Am I saying women can’t have careers, education or live on their own? No, they can. So no, I am not anti-freedom despite what you say.

Don’t blame me because others choose to stereotype.

Stereotyping is wrong.

For someone who claims that science has proven life doesn’t begin at conception, you provide no evidence for it.

What party? Let who starve?

Funny that you say that after throwing your friend Baalsamael under the bus to get back at me when Aki took a potshot at him.

Your “Lol, thanks for participating in my social experiment,” or “I troll u” gimmick as a cover for your often bigoted views and bait comments is a trick as old as the internet.

When I openly invited you to add me on Discord via private channels, you declined. Repeatedly. You didn’t seem very interested in learning through discussion unless it’s of the public sort.

Not even as your “defense” of your claim often included just straight up lying. Like claiming that Vodou was guilty of human sacrifice and burning animals alive because of something you got from a horror movie website. Or how you tried to lie and claim the writings of a new age woman were the work of a French-Guinean professor to try and make your lies seem more believable. You even invented made up papers to try and cite.

You even later admit that it wasn’t about the truth. You just hated the fact that I seemed so sure I was right. Me with my confidence in my knowledge of my own religion, as back up but my stupid in my stupid facts and citations of published studies as opposed to pop culture references.

It’s more like you say something ignorant/bigoted, get corrected, and them double down because you don’t actually care what’s true or false- you just want to seem right about whatever it is you’re talking about in that moment.

If you really learn through discussion, you’d learn a lot more if you strove to actually ask honest questions, contribute new information and provide legitimate insight to the discussion. Being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian to the point where you intentionally obfuscate the truth isn’t helpful.


It’s also strange that people can even say Hitler’s name on these forums even though he was the head of said party. Even though he was one of - it not the - most evil people of the 20th century or maybe even human history.

In the history of mankind, why? Because he killed people more than others, or did he really differ psychologically from the rulers of the past?

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I mean Stalin technically 20 million of his own people. Hitler was just…he was evil and had an obsession with wiping a certain ethnic group. (The Jews)

Honestly the whole “X was eviler than Y because X killed more people” is really bizarre. Both people are evil. Regardless of how many people they killed. Since it mainly comes down to intent and how they went about it. Not so much how many. There are serial killers who are just plain evil and they have killed way less people than Hitler or Stalin.


Oh, definitely. I was mostly trying to answer Shernishs question. Wasn’t trying to claim one was more evil than the other.

Perhaps not “only”, no but babymkers for sure.

You games atre tyring. You aren’t playing your cards well.

I don’t even know why you thought I blaimed anything in Christians in general during this exchange. It’s so strange.

The one against any support for families and children. American children.

If you want to talk about a fetus or cells that can’t survive on thir own, focus on the living first.

If a woman freely chooses to be a stay at home housewife who wants to have a family, what’s wrong with that?

You were happy to join others in their “(we) hate ‘X’ about Christianity” tirades, attack the Bible and support others defamatory comments about me and didn’t stand for Baalsamael until after I called it out. That is why I thought you did.

Name this party please.