Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

I’m not making sweeping judgements about your character. I -and others- have just been describing your actions. You reduce paragraph long posts into sentence fragments, which robs them of context. You’ve been shown how to quote people and sources in full in a way that keeps space to minimum. You’ve been invited to discuss directly with me Tamani#2391 on Discord so you don’t even have to quote. You continue to refuse to do so.

In addition to this, you continue to deny instances of systemic racism, unconscious bias in general and in WoW in particular. You’re reluctant to provide scholarly sources and the few non-scholarly sources produced by others you have tried to use to back up your arguments either call out the existence of racism in portrayals of Vodou or engage in it themselves. And you call people who disagree with you names. You are not transparent. In fact, you also openly engage in lying.

The more you post, the more the nature of your conduct is revealed.

You stated already that you’re aware of the studies supporting the idea and your false claim that it’s controversial and not accepted because just as many studies questioning it. We both know the theory and studies supporting it exist, but only you seem to be aware of all these studies that counter it. So let’s see those studies. You’re still refusing to offer sources.

I argued that by reducing it’s representation of Mesoamerican religion to only the best known shallow stereotypes of step pyramids, feathered serpents and the bloodthirsty savage jungle tribes that collect human sacrifices- Blizzard unintentionally perpetuated the continued narrative in which representations of Mesoamerican religion begins and end with Quetzalcoatl and bloody human sacrifice. And with Quetzalcoutal being the most well known of the Mesoamerican feathered serpents, an example of unintentional referenc. That also furthers a misconception Your argument is that this can’t be an unintentional reference if Blizzard was intentionally referencing Kululkan.

You’re the one claiming what Blizzard is intentionally trying to convey.

Both the African Symbols and Egyptian Symbols actually say the following about author/illustrator Heike Owusu…

If you’d actually done research or read the books you’re talking about and not simply lied, you would have gotten basic facts about the author and their lack of qualifications correct. It also explains why you still can’t produce any actual links backing up your lies about the author’s academic background.

Vodou (like many things) is not the Westboro Baptist Church. Just because the Westboro Baptist Church preaches a lot of hateful stuff, it doesn’t mean that the ignorant and often racist portrayal of Vodou as a religion full of evil, human sacrifice, cannibalism, and other atrocities in service of evil spirits- is correct. The only bias I have is that I actually practice Vodou, which means my understanding of it comes from reality -as opposed to the horror films, urban legends, hack new age books, and stereotypes born of ignorance and racism that you seem to base your understanding of the faith on.

Garrosh was starting to get villain batted from the Alliance and Horde side back in Cataclysm, where was challenged by every member of the Horde leadership. The one quest everyone likes to point to as an example of Garrosh being a stand up guy has long since been pointed out by Blizzard as a hiccup. After Garrosh was gone, the Shatterspear disappeared from the game’s narrative until it was time for them to show back up and serve the next Warchief villain. They have served no other role in the game’s narrative.

Then you go to other threads and claim you’d agree with me and others if only we wouldn’t pass judgement on you- which we haven’t. We just describe your actions- which you continue to engage in, even in other threads.

As a result of this thread, I’ve had a couple people reach out to me with additional questions and had some intersting conversations about Vodou and it’s portrayal in media. I said at the beginning that I’m talking to a larger audience and expose you- not trying to actually convince you to admit you’re wrong. So if you feel all the time you spend responding to me is a waste, you’re free to stop at any time. Or you can contact me on Discord, as others already have.

Garithos said/did a lot of things. But what things do *you* think he did that were "legitimately" racist? I’m genuinely curious, as I consider a character talking about how other races are unequal, then admitting to using the given situations as an excuse to drive out those less equal races to be an example of racism. But apparently you don't.

”Skylord Omnuron has been too gentle with the Wormwing harpies. He allows them to share a perch on this mountain just because they’re creatures of the air. Well , not all creatures of the air are created equal.

When the attacks on Hyjal began, the Wormwing went into a frenzy. They’re up there right now, assaulting a sacred shrine they once claimed to revere.

I’m not troubled. Now we have a reason to drive them from Hyjal, don’t we?”

-Thisalee Crow

The Night Elf tangent.

He was a non-Highborn noble in the Kaldorei Empire. Blizzard said so. Here. And here on pg 160 especially, but also every time Lord Ravencrest and his house are referred to as nobles.


It doesn’t matter, these things happened in undetermined points during her reign. This isn’t a timeline, this is just a brief description of what happened over the course of these thousands of years.

The Networks of luminescent causeways, limned by the silver Light of Elune, radiated out across the far corners of Kalimdor” is in the same sentence where it points out that it’s describing the Kaldorei Empire reaching a point that would never be seen again. And nowhere is it ever stated that the Church of Elune was in decline, let alone when like you claim.

And yet modern Kaldorei society includes Highborne and arcane traditions practiced by Highborne and non-Highborne. Many of the Kaldorei alive today -including Tyrande and Malfruion- were members of the Kaldorei Empire at its height. The Kaldorei Empire is Kaldorei lore.

So if Night Elf losses were never given, you have no grounds on which to call it the most significant genocide.Gnomes, Tauren, and Darkspear Trolls have had to deal with the consequences of their genocide longer than Night Elves have.

True aging is aging s aging like other mortals. The comparison of what the Night Elves are experiencing to the experiences of other mortals is made repeatedly. Malfurion does not suffer from joint pains; he felt a “twinge” throughout his whole body, followed by existential angst. Tyrande -who has been graying since youth- has started to experience the very “fine lines” at the creases of her eyes, not “wrinkles”. We also don’t know of any Night Elves dying of 7 years of old age, as the only one for whom a cause of death is explicitly given (Jarroth’s wife) succumbed to disease like any mortal.

Frostmane Whelps and dragon whelps being children. And Night Elves don’t struggle with infertility like you claim.

Alextraza and Ysera did not bless the Night Elves with vitality. They blessed Teldrassil with vitality in order to combat the corruption within it. Also, “too few” is apparently enough to single handedly retake Northshore and Ashenvale against the Horde military, and enough to ” …spread to seemingly every surface of the city, continued down through the Valley of Heroes, and spilled out most of the way to Goldshire.” And how long that remains the case remains to be seen.

The Gnomes, Tauren, and Darkspear Trolls weren’t left with even that much in the immediate wake of their respective genocides.