A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

There is nothing to call me out on. And you know that.

You can just put me on ignore, like I put you.

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Just telling that yall make up a bunch of random slander about me, then refuse to elaborate.

Honestly pathetic. Absolutely destroyed any respect I had for yall.

I’m literally at work rn and can only post on breaks and lunch.

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That’s exactly the wound I did not want to open, but thanks for opening it anyway.

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People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

I like ya aki, if that means anything to ya


This is a glass house.

I’m glad you agree that Warcraft is a complex world made up of warring ethno-states. So my comment about War in Warcraft being interesting shouldn’t be such a soft spot to hit you with.

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We haven’t agreed in the past, but that’s okay. Glad we are on good terms anyway.

Tbh, I don’t care if people like me. I have a strong support system and many friends, I am not self conscious about people disliking my abrasive personality. (I do have empathy for people, I just feel like honest is better than telling white lies to spare their feelings).

What drives me up the wall is when people just make up lies. Try to twist my words into something I didn’t say. Try to slander me in public through manipulation and gaslighting.

That is scum of the earth tactics, right there.


For the love of God, actually say something to support your claims instead of making nonsense blanket statements.

But you know, adults try to find common ground on stuff. I love that you’re so honest, and while that may rub certain people the wrong way, that’s on them. The whole kaldorei thing in the beginning, well I was in wrong for doing that and not considering anything from your guys side, but thats water under the bridge and I been trying to be better at listening,

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Micah you are too good. You don’t need her friendship or approval.

She’s got a bazillion friends anyway.

If you have to change who you are it’s not worth it.


Ren, you know me by now. I don’t change for anyone. And I was at one time, being toxic as hell towards Aki, Kaylin and a few other kaldorei fans on this forum, that’s the sad truth. It’s okay to admit when you wronged someone. Nobody’s going to strike you down for it :heart:


We all are going to disagree on things at times, but resorting to bickering seems petty. If it’s a bad/hot take or someone is being toxic etc, call it out, but fighting for dumb reasons just seems like a waste of energy you know?

I do tend to adopt some controversial takes. Not all of them I entirely believe. I learn through discussion, I like to pick a take and try to defend it as best I can, so I can develop a rounded understanding of the concept as a whole. Sometimes I discover that take is defensible, or at least an interesting thing to entertain.

I think so far it has only been Tammy to call me out on arguing her on something, only to find that I am arguing the opposite a month later.

Does that make me a troll? Maybe a little bit. But getting people worked up is counterproductive to my goal. I just find that it is a little boring to just repeat what countless other people have already said.

Nothing wrong with throwing out ideas that may or may not be good. Does get you thinking though, which isn’t an entirely bad thing :wolf:

By bad takes, I mean like calling a certain group in 1930s Germany the good guys. Like there are some things you just don’t say you know?

The mods on these forums are weird. I just had a comment removed because a group of angry people flagged it as inappropriate when nothing was inappropriate about it. It was just my opinion on what should’ve been the patch cycle for Shadowlands.

Meanwhile someone falsely accuses me of stalking them and they get off with no real punishment.


They’ll remove innocent stuff but let blatantly racist stuff stay. Makes you wonder who’s running the show over there.


I had a thirty minute conversation with a mod; apparently the very mention of the Actual Name of Certain Racist Tropes is “inappropriate” for the forums.

Even if the writers themselves describes the lore using those Actual Names.

Which I find to be incoherent, and desperately wish they hired someone with an academic background in cultural critical theory and literary analysis to revamp the Code of Conduct because lmao


It’s probably some underpaid college kid being tasked with sorting the forums out or some such

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I don’t know. They usually remove “straight pride” threads pretty fast."

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