A really really long awkward drawn out sad goodbye to the twink community

Yea, sure thing.

They canā€™t really do much more than anyone else can. We can report and Iā€™ve seen some of them admit theyā€™ve reported. Then again, itā€™s nobody but Blizzardā€™s responsibility to take action. Itā€™s just sad that it takes as long as it does.

There are many who are for sure like that but itā€™s all in the wording which makes it sound like theyā€™re referring to all of them, which is where the problem lies. Itā€™s no different than (comparison alert! :slight_smile: ) the worse stereotypes about MTG players that Iā€™ve endured.

How did you go about identifying the exploiters as exploiters? Many twinks in battlegrounds could have been throwaway twinks or leveling twinks and many of the players at the npcs to turn exp off could have been just starting their twinks and turning exp off.


Well since LordFrokkin Master of Justice and Defender of the Weak;

Therefore he does not need evidence, since all twinks fit into the same generalization.


Aye, all twinks are heartless griefers that only twink to kill new players and feel good about their meaningless lives because they arent good enough players to do anything at end game.

Itā€™s so easy to see the players who never move from 19, 29, 39, 49 and so on, as I come up against them in low level bgs fairly often. Itā€™s not hard to work out lol. Itā€™s not rocket science.

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Iā€™ve never ever seen a twink run past with a wave while my under-geared toon runs by, dance in mid, or generally passes the time of day. It just does not happen. Are you claiming that?

You can twist my words as you feel fit. I donā€™t care.

So you must do those brackets a lot then to see the same person over and over again? Some people make an effort to level slowly through battlegrounds (ie. losing and leaving early) since the segregation.

Are you saying that not waving is griefing? I donā€™t wave at low geared levelers in no heirlooms, but I generally try not to kill them until they attack me. Though I understand that I do not speak for everyone and possibly not the majority.

If we danced in mid would you not also complain that twinks are griefing by not doing the battleground? There simply is no being the good guy here is there?

Not all of them. Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s been said a few times.

Yeah I do enjoy low level bgs. Having allied races that start at 20 make it even better, and most of these toons donā€™t leave early(twinks), because they were exploiting, and believe me it was happening. It does not matter itā€™s been fixed.

You do understand the objective in pvp is to kill the opposing faction? Not do a /dance /wave when you see them having a picnic. If that is what you want then why not just camp out in Goldshire with the rpers and have a grand ole time?

Does part of your supposed ā€œfixā€ include the removal of the healer cap on low level BGs? Have been in some that are 1 healer vs 5-7, really fun with a surprise ending. Nah, total faceroll for the healer stacked team.


Funny because a twink I faced on the last day prior to separation was talking about how I ran past everyone in mid in WSG to attack him while he was putting mana oil on his weapons.

This is what cracks me up about 8.1.5. It had the fix of removing twinks from the brackets, but also removed the healer matchmaking in low level BGs. I think that is irony? Iā€™m not sure. I feel like BGs are even less balanced than before.

I donā€™t think being down on healers is necessarily ALWAYS a loss. I won quite a few games last night where Alliance had 3 healers to our zero, but I did lose one where they had 6 healers and we had 1.

Its not just a loss due to mismatched healer comps. When its 1-6+ its as though you can do nothing if they are offhealing eachother. Getting pugs to line up ccs or kicksā€¦ good luck lol.

I swear I was queueing with the best of the Horde last night. Each game I would be terrified, as most of my teammates were from SA servers (specifically Azralon) but they were some of the most competent pugs Iā€™ve ever ran into.

But yeah, its really frustrating to run into healer teams like that.

Lucky. Most of the time when I am paired with SA servers all I receive is really bad world MS (300+) and teams that derp around in mid and not focus objectives.

When I fought the 6 healer team, my teams healer was a Pandaren MW from Ragnaros. I outhealed him by 4x on a windwalker monk. Thats what I expect from those servers (and people who play Pandaren) , but last night (aside from that one BG) was a very good experience.

Why canā€™t you let a man oil? Have you no heart? :frowning:

I cant tolerate twinks using subpar weapon enhancements.

https://www.wowhead.com/item=28421/adamantite-weightstone or begone from my BGS!

At least it was adamantite and not not rough :confused: