A really really long awkward drawn out sad goodbye to the twink community

With BFA brought excitement for many twinks. Gear mattered again, enchants had effects again, and professions mattered again. I came back to twinking recently thinking that the community would be holding strong in this prime time, but alas I came to a dead guild (was once one of the largest 19 twink guilds on the realm) on server lacking twinks that was once overrun with them. I later learned that patch 8.1.5 killed off many twinks by separating the queues.

The fun still remained though and a few twinks as well. Being able to glitch into battlegrounds kept many players around. It isn’t that we need the advantage, its simply that we don’t have the time to wait 4 hours for a single battleground queue.

Tonight was one of the most fun nights of battlegrounds I have ever had, with many twinks uniting to enjoy their last day of battlegrounds, going all out with their consumables as they will not need them any time soon, if ever. Perhaps if war mode was allowed at level 19 some would have a reason to stay, but as it stands we are simply segregated from the rest of the community when it comes to any form of pvp.

Knowing that many of my twinking buddies that I have met along the way are quitting after this patch, I would like to say goodbye and thank you for all of the good times that have been shared. I will be staying a little longer in hopes that I can find some fun on level 20 war mode twinks. Unfortunately I have no hopes that the twink battlegrounds will ever become popular, as we are losing twinks left and right and already struggle with queues.

Perhaps Blizzard will once again unite us with the rest of the community some day… perhaps. But until then… I’ll be seeing you in STV on my level 20, you Alliance scum. And maybe on a few 10-19 throw-away twinks as well.


This was an exploit. Everybody knew it was.


Very well, being able to exploit into battlegrounds kept many players around. If you had no choice but to either sit in queue for 4 hours or use an exploit to do battlegrounds which would you choose?


Did they finally fix the macro exploit or something?

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I’m not sure if anyone actually knows, but the patch notes included

Characters with experience turned off can no longer participate in Battlegrounds with characters that have experience turned on.

Which seems like an odd thing to include months after the fact, so some are assuming that means they’ve fixed the exploit.

That is on top of a blue about 2 weeks ago saying

I can’t speak to any actions that we may or may not have taken on those who may have used an exploit. What I can say is that in some situations, to echo what Leviathan mentioned, on issues that we may not have a fix, we’ll generally hold off on penalty until we do have a fix ready. I can’t say that will happen in the case you are referring to, but there may be a rude awakening at some point.


the macro is a simple one liner that they cant just fix without it affecting many other things. all the macro does is accept a popup on the screen

they are fixing bgs themselves to not let players in with exp off

i highly doubt there will be massive bans over this since it was just pressing buttons that appear on the screen. no more exploit though

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That is the interesting part of 8.2

We can speculate it means one of three things.

  1. Blizzard is simply adding the change to an official patch note, as it was handled by a tweet previously.
  2. Blizzard is correcting the ability to use the macro to get in with exp locked.
  3. Starter accounts/Legion accounts will be segregated as well.

We’ll be finding this out later tonight. Excited to see what happens.

I don’t think this is really relevant, as its just a blanket statement for people who whine about exploits not being actioned upon.

This source is really the only thing that I would put merit in. Araxom is pretty good at handling this sort of thing.


Meh I woulda banned the people exploiting. They knew what they where doing. Blizz being nice it seems.


In case you’re unaware, the macro was as simple as a single command that clicks a static popup box. It would be pretty hard to figure out who was using it legit or not. Many addons will do that automatically for various reasons.

If there was two games sitting on the table - one of which you needed to use an exploit to enjoy (and knew it would be punished), and the other you have fun in normally, which would you choose?


Well that’s quite a disingenuous comparison…

What he is saying, and that many other twinks agree with, is that end game BFA is not fun. So no, it’s not a matter of two games side by side that where both are fun but only one requires an exploit. It’s more like you’ve got the option of one game that is fun, but requires an exploit, and the other one is on fire.


Your enjoyment caused misery to a much larger population of levelers …


Not really. The forums just kind of blew it up by few players posting on several toons.


Twinking doesnt ever go away it just has highs and lows ( sometimes very lows ) as long as levelers exist so will twinks. Im not worried

What other games are on fire? You assume I mean the “other game” is BfA endgame, I actually meant other games that are better than this one.

It is somewhat devastating to have hundreds of hours of gameplay sunk into twink characters that have been rendered utterly useless for the most part.

Weeks put into leveling and gearing multiple characters that now serve no purpose. 100’s of thousands of Honorable Kills racked up on characters over years but nothing to do now. Can’t even help people level.

Other twinks you played with lose touch cause they no longer have anything to play for because they aren’t playing end game. Some might start doing throwaway leveling twinks. Free to play twinking is still a thing I guess. 59 gets wargames some nights and I hear 70s are trying.

The future looks very bleak for twinks. Classic twinking is the new destination but it’s just not going to be the same.


What other games? As a PvP player there really aren’t any other better options in this genre. GW2 is just bad, but has the best PvP probably, but everything else about the game is terrible IMO, and the complete removal of any gear from PvP is not good IMO. ESO and the final fantasy MMORPG have utterly abysmal PvP in them.

Granted I do play other genre games, not like WoW is the only game I ever play. I enjoy MOBAs and some FPS games as well. But if I wanna play some MMORPG PvP, nothing out there can compete with WoW.

I think Wildstar had lots of promise IMO, the PvP in that game was an absolute blast to play, but they royally blundered the raiding in that game so unfortunately it died.

Why do you think this is the case? Its surprising that nobody has really taken “MMO pvp” and made its own standalone game based off it.

There is always Fortnite… :frowning:

In all seriousness, someone could start a Kickstarter (suggesting someone could, for those report-happy people) and see how popular it would be.

lots of games tried to knock off wow, and they failed for the most part

now the big companies are turning to other genres and mmorpgs are just a niche to them

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