A really really long awkward drawn out sad goodbye to the twink community

I understand that some people do not even know what a comparison is nor understand their purpose, I never blamed you, to be honest.

I know what a comparison is. You just didn’t use good ones.

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Jokes aside, this was fun.

I’m not obsessed with you but I don’t like you as a poster. You can’t ignore passed incidents and sweep them under the rug. If you need a positive spin on it you could say you left an impression.


This is true.

Well, I know that’s just a bunch of horse :poop: If anything, I feel bad by how much twinks hurt him. Like it seemed like they all gave him nightmares. Anyone would act this way on no sleep for MONTHS :joy:

Never claimed I was always right. I’ve admitted I was wrong more than once in recent time.

I’m glad you speak for everybody, we need more people like you. It may consolidate these 2000+ threads.

How is that a deflection? I never denied saying it. I was just stating that I was not the source. And I’m sorry you didn’t think it was funny. Some people think “how did the chicken…” is still funny. Different strokes.

Who knows? Doesn’t really matter either. You have people here who have conversations with their alts and you pick that to obsess about. I admitted that I did it. Let it go.

By all means, don’t “let me off.” If you’re that obsessed with me, it’s very flattering.

That wasn’t a deflection. Comparisons, analogies and other useful conversation terms are not understood by several people. It wasn’t an insult. I never blame people for not understanding something. That’s wrong.

Anyway, thank you for the value-added conversation. Your contribution to the topic is appreciated.

I’m sorry if you think I was upset by anything. I can agree that some individuals take things that random people on the internet say too personally. I can’t imagine what that’s like myself.

That’s true, you’re honor level 1. Did you increase that at all?

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If it makes you feel better Jugaa, you might not understand comparisons but Greyhide doesn’t understand deflection.

Now now, Jugaa, didn’t you and I discuss ad hominem the other day? I even defended you against someone trying to toss that your way.

Oh I understand comparisons. But using RL ones that aren’t even realistic to a video game (like a 30 yo at school with kids?) is tasteless.

I am a little curious, how much do you pvp Greyhide? Who’s your main.

I believe it was a DH? Damn, can’t remember now. He does have a 120 I know that

Would you have been less offended if the person was 20?

Even a 20 yo wouldn’t be at recess with young kids.

He just doesn’t get it. He is honor level 1 though. Does he have more than 1 account or does he not do any pvp?

Yes, I understand that, which is why analogies can be somewhat far-fetched as long as the point is made. Anyway, did I offend you recently? Is there a source of this relapse?

Careful, Jugaa, you are ‘relapsing’. Just breathe! :joy:

Nope, just agreeing with Deso a little.

Seems quite a bit more than “a little”, especially thinking I shouldn’t be “let off”, even though I’m not 100% sure what that even means. I hope that doesn’t mean he’s going to follow me around and make comments :frowning:

I mean, I tried to let bygones be bygones with you. We would both be dishonest if either of us said that we never said anything unnecessarily negative toward one another. I can’t take that back but I can proceed amicably and with a different approach.