A really really long awkward drawn out sad goodbye to the twink community

You accused me of posting on alts.

Yep, sure did. I honestly don’t care though. People switch alts all the time. There is no rule against it. It would be kind of silly if there were since we’re allowed so many.

Now, when you start having a conversation with yourself, that’s when things cross the boundaries of “not right.” No, I’m not accusing you of this. I know who has done this. I’ve not seen him post in a few days. I hope everything is ok. Maybe he’s preparing for the upcoming holiday?

And yet I never posted on alts. All my toons have some form of juga in them.

Meanwhile nobody knows who I am. Suck it forum warriors!


Several of us are guilty of accusing others of being people they’re not. Mauden and Erelir reminded me in one of the other threads recently how at one point, they were “proven” to be my alts.

That game is boring. It’s just something people like to do when they have no argument, such as ad hominem, which you unfortunately were targetted by yesterday. It’s overall pretty sad. Oh well, water under the bridge.

Lol people saying 120 is balanced best joke i have seen so far


120 really isn’t bad.

I used to say that in a joking way. Then the worgen gang name came out and I stuck with that, because it was funnier.

Crazy that some people would think you were doing that, but then again, people have showed me some sketchy forum shenanigans I would have never expected.

I’ll just stick to being naive.


What’s bob gonna do, now that he can’t drink?

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Well he did like a post with one of his 120s and we found it which we saw was honor level 1. This was months and months ago though.

The doctor said, what you been twinking for, bob said thats the point.

I wasnt twinkin for nothin, but now im segregated and gotta find something else.


To pass the time had to unlock EXP and got a new identity.


So he left the queue made a brand new alt, got a new identity.

Level 20 free to play, enchanted heirlooms

And a girl to pocket heal him

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To take him to

The gulch

Noobs will run away

Running around

As the kills roll in you can hear the levelers go:


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A couple of games, an extra thermos of saltwaters, he’ll be kickin in normals at the warsong gulch

Bobs the kinda twink he knows just what

Bobs the kinda twink who knows just what to do

When the Blizzard hates him too

Quit your twinking nows the time, will he ever cross that line

To use a macro thats not great

but will he ever cross that line

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Dude I think we just made an awesome parody.

I can play bob on guitar and do an awesome mouth trumpet.

Wow parody YouTube here we come!!

when you typed (trumpet) I had to literally hum along. What an amazing song.

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Killing noobs and bustin heads

Wearing heirlooms

Once a day he makes new toons,

But will he ever cross the line!

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From the top:

He spent 15 years

Making twinks,

15 years till blizzard segregated

Now what’s bob gonna do now that he can’t twink?

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Now I’m gonna have to jam to some 90s nofx driving home from work.

Thats everyday for me my man.

I’ve been listening to the Qu3ers album “Love songs for the R-------”

Their remastered album on spotify is punk rock gold standard.