A Rant - Keys should not derank

Thats fair. I get the same feeling from hardcore diablo vs softcore. It does add some severity. I definitely think up to like 13-14s, the meta isn’t as pronounced and it isn’t as hard to push up a key to IO levels and depletes aren’t as bad.

Maybe they’ll add something when the remove affixes on 13+ or so and keep deranking for < 12s or something.

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I hope the affix removal experiment doesn’t survive past season 1.

I would not be opposed to a dual layered system for M+ where above a certain threshold to have the rules change a little for the sake of consistency and time.

Sounds like a smart person has their choice of high skilled non-meta players to choose from, rather than waiting for a group that’s still just a crapshoot.

The problem with title is it isn’t just about skill now for meta players. It is a lot about repeating keys until you hit gold on one run. That is why my suggestion is just increase the supply of keys so everyone can run them and not just meta players.

Shoot we have very different opinion on m+ lol

I really have no clue why he feels convinced PUGs are any more likely to take a non meta pick just because a key won’t deplete. At higher keys especially, where optimization is always safer, regardless of whether that key can deplete.

Maybe during the honeymoon phase he’d have a point. For a month or two, people will be all glee and joy about taking off-meta.

Then they won’t. And never will again.

What do you dislike about affixes?

I don’t understand what you mean. Could you explain further?

PUGs are less likely to take off meta. Regardless of the circumstances revolving around keys.

Think of the bigger picture bro

Wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you. :slight_smile:

Mate… there’s no one agreeing with your take on it. Not even the usual “my personality is to destroy M+”-folks have shown up to agree with your take on things. You had your “answer” 2 hours ago, just 7 posts in.

Blizzard ain’t removing the fact that keys derank because of the multitudes of different ways it negatively impacts everyone but the absolute top of the top, and I’m talking MDI players here. Something you aren’t near either.

You had a bad take, a very common one, but it is a bad take.
To refuse to listen and understand when you have several year’s worth of threads to read, and the same arguments that literally cannot be refuted without fundamentally changing player psychology … they are all there.

Go to the top of the website and use the search function. Turn on the Advanced filter and tick the box saying “Matching in title only”. It’ll exclude some discussions but overall you’ll get multiple years of threads all saying the same thing that has been stated over and over again, that literally cannot be refuted.

Use search terms like “deranked”, “depleted” (I know that this isn’t about Key depletion since that was removed in Legion, but folks continue to misuse the terminology), and any other keywords that you think folks who want forum brownie points (because these are the WoW forums - as I have a habit of saying, there’s nearly just regulars and trolls on these forums, so a lot of these threads are from folks who have made it their personality to try to destroy, remove, or otherwise significantly limit or ruin M+ for people).

The simple reality is that you have an easy answer: it is bad for the game, it is bad for M+, and the only people who would benefit from this are less than 0.01% of all players participating in M+.

You included.
Whilst I wouldn’t call it “cowardice” to not be willing to accept this… I am also someone whose hobby is to read up on propaganda and listen to folks try to argue for things like a flat earth. Folks find it scared to accept that they have been duped or that one’s own thoughts were wrong, regardless of whether that makes one a coward or not if one can’t accept that.


I’m not your bro, pal

Really depends on which one but mainly it comes down to the implementation.

As a warrior, I cannot interact with afflicted in any capacity so it feels really bad being helpless there or not being invited on those weeks. Incorporeal feels really imbalanced as well. I’m forced to use two talent points, and two ability (one is melee range) to stop it when some classes just get it base line with one cast or instant cast.

Sanguine is just really unfun as a tank. I don’t really know how else to put it but just managing stops, mitigation, dps and drawing blood lines on the ground just aint it.

Others like storming, quaking, volcanic, entangling can just feel very RNG or dumb when you die to die. Been a few times where you get hit into a tornado only for a 1 shot mechanic to appear under your landing position.

I generally think these ones aren’t that bad in like chill keys but in push keys its devastating when you are one yard from leaving a insta-death and entangling spawns at that exact moment and kills you. It feels like a cheap death and you aren’t dying to the dungeon just some bleh overlap that week that wasn’t there last time.

The problem with title is it isn’t just about skill now for meta players. It is a lot about repeating keys until you hit gold on one run. That is why my suggestion is just increase the supply of keys so everyone can run them and not just meta players.

But if someone has to do 4 keys just for a chance at one, it places a rarity on said key. (Else people can just spam and complete.)
A “perfect” team that need 3 tries would have a far easier time compared to a team that needs say ten tries just to time one. (Cause then we’re considering 40 keys of homework.)

I prefer variety over pure competitiveness.
Time loss from sanguine, bolstering, raging, bursting aren’t remotely equal unfortunately.

Something that changes beyond just moar numbers.

I’ll settle for a new mechanic introduced to a specific dungeon after X levels too.
3? or 5 ,etc. But that’s way harder to design, and affixes are a lazy way to create variety.

If you’d like to discuss any of my points I’d be happy to. Otherwise I don’t care to reply to this. Take care.

I think the removal of push weeks is a good thing. When a person gets all their rating from easy push week (fortified/volcano/raging as a melee?), it’s bad when it’s now afflicted/spiteful and the player has to put more effort.

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And this is why you were called a coward.

Do take care though.


I can agree with that. Often times, the actual mechanic of it is meaningless. It’s when you get a very unlucky RNG where you get trapped with multiple incoming abilities, only to then get bent over by the game without much recourse or being a bad play from the player’s part.

I think affixes shouldn’t be a physical obstacle, but more so passives for the enemy.
I don’t know if this is an unpopular take but I remember an affix in BFA I found quite interesting, the ghosts of your enemies coming back at once to blast your faces. I liked that.

Yep so this is the problem. I am that guy who has to do 4 keys for a chance at one. When I do that one, guess who I take? All the meta classes if they are not my friends.

I’ve invested 2-4 hours getting this key, why would I chance it on non-meta? So the meta players get to do their keys and the non-meta player keys and can chain run them. Does that make sense?

Its a real pain and why I think deranking is a problem in higher keys.