A Rant - Keys should not derank

Imo key depletion is perfectly fine considering you can’t lose IO. It’s not queued content. There should be a cost for failure.

I understand. And I get even after you asked for high end players who agree with me, I gave you a person who does and you still don’t take that as evidence that this is an issue.

I am the first hand account. Most players who do high keys don’t come to the forums cause they get shouted down by people who don’t have any experience with the issue at hand. I’m starting to see why they choose reddit, twitter, and youtube.

There is obviously no changing your mind and you made your points and so have I. You have a nice weekend bud. Think were going in circles here.

what… no… just no…
that’s literally failing your way to the top

dont take the bait.

That is fair. If this would negatively impact folks doing keys 2-13s or so, I think some compromise could be made in future patches. However, I had no idea the community enjoys losing key levels. I’ve been in a ton of 10s on alts and most people are bummed out when a ragequit or a dc happens.


It’s not that I enjoy dropping a key. It is frustrating at times, but I don’t let it discourage me. I will look at it from the perspective I can do something better, and will try to fix that.

I’m not saying the current system is perfect but you started this thread with a pros and cons list and blatantly ignored the IO inflation that would result from repeated attempts while detailing how to exploit it:

If your friend goes on to apply to higher keys the group leader would want to know if he got his IO with similar skill individuals or by being carried. And your own post acknowledges such a carry method would be easier without key depletion. This is why key depletion would lead to players putting less trust in IO score, they would have to question if your score came from one attempt pug runs or unlimited attempt group runs.

You’re the one I’m refuting, so we’ve got an issue.

I was going to focus entirely on your current point, but I want to recap something I think has been criminally overlooked: how disingenuous your original post actually is.

Two distinct pros, one of which is just one of your cons, and is still not an exhaustive list as people (me included) have pointed out to you. The depletion is the proverbial checkpoint for the meta gameplay loop of pushing keys.

Oh, but your cons…

There’s so much reiteration. Meta is mentioned twice, big/creative pulls is the antithesis to your second pro, and the last con is so disjointed I still don’t know what point you’re trying to make.

Was it meant to be a pro of removing depletion? That’s not a con of depletion. Those are not synonymous concepts.

You claim we’re going in circles but every time I try to meet you somewhere in the middle, you flake. Surely the people you play with would chat in-game about how they agree with you on this?

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What if you can’t improve? What if your tank dcs or healer doesnt do well? Im curious as to why you find that important that your key gets deleveled for a mistake that isn’t yours.

Even if it is your mistake why does it need to derank?

What if you can’t improve?

Then it’s better for everyone else that your key deranks so it doesn’t plague LFG.

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Sorry mate but I’m done responding to you. I’ve explained multiple times my points and giving you reason and you question my experience and demand hard evidence even though I don’t demand hard evidence that it is better that key depletes.

Take care.

Cowardice doesn’t push high keys. Good luck.

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Well sometimes stuff happens. It’s not always fair, I fully agree with you. However I still consider the rest of the time where DC’s are not the issue, as it is a very rare problem to have come up.
In higher keys where the player pool becomes lower, people with consistent behaviors of DC’ing or trolling will get blacklisted.

If someone performs poorly, I take note of it, and weight that against them if I ever see them again.

Exactly why I stopped speaking with you. And I pushed more end game than you have so I guess that makes you a coward? Nice job slinging insults pal. Blocked.

I assumed you actually would, so I capped it off. If you’d like to continue, I can retract my statement. I maintain that it’s cowardice to give up in the face of me being willing to chat with some of the people you claim agree with you, though.

Guy is arguing with blinkers, he can only see his own benefits that he’ll only hypothetically see in high keys, while causing more problems in lower keys that he doesn’t see so he doesn’t care.

I don’t think we should be condescending to eachother. Yeah they might not see the issues in lower keys but that’s why we have the discussion about it to share those perspectives.

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Somewhat but everyone DCs sometimes. I even DC’d a few times and some of my good push buddies have as well. It stings to lose time for that kind of thing.

Still curious to your answer to this? Does this provide some thrill or something for you?

I’m not gonna lie the risk of the derank does push me forwards. I will do my absolute best so I don’t have to have that stain on my record, so to speak. Puts a fire under my butt.


I’m not arguing with blinders. I’m arguing what the environment is like in higher keys and being told I’m wrong about that when no one here has any experience in that key range.

If you guys want to argue about why its bad the community at large, I’d be happy to discuss that. But to say, being able to repeat your key in higher keys wont drastically help non-meta classes play the game for IO is just an objectively false statement.

It will help them gain score as it helps everyone. If someone’s ambitions include title, then the outcome is unchanged more or less.

One downside: makes title less about skill.