A Rant - Keys should not derank

That’s mostly why blizzard will keep the system as it is.
If you can’t time the key then you’re not strong enough, as simple as it gets.

People can see what IO folks have. Even in the current system people can attempt to be carried.

Dropped as in hit 60 and never touched it again. Maybe that’s normal for HC, I have no clue. It doesn’t remotely answer the relevant questions I had, like whether or not you’re just pulling the comparison out of your back end, which I suspect you are.

Should this be easy? I don’t get it. Why do it if it’s trivial to do so?

This isn’t that simple. There are four other players in your group. People make mistakes other than the yourself.

Not being able to access keys via queueing cause you aren’t meta causes non-meta classes to have to do hours and hours of homework keys.

Fine with me. Show people’s total completions and failures of each level and even give them the power to set a failure limit in the premade group finder so your group doesn’t even show up to them so they don’t waste their time applying when you don’t want them in your group.

Again that is completely irrelevant to keys deranking.

The problem with this idea is that history has proven that failure is one of the greatest teachers.

Without the risk of failure you would forfeit those learning opportunities, as well without the risk of failure people would consider ditching keys far more acceptable. “Hey I didn’t brick his key, it’s still a +12” people will convince themselves as they leave keys more readily than ever before.

I dont know your skill level. But it might be hard for you.

You are the leader, you decide who joins. Don’t invite someone if you don’t trust them, play with friends, join a community. You have many options.

Being non-meta does not prevent one from running their keys.

No it isn’t because deranking keys is why people don’t want to invited non-meta to their keys. Watch anyone who does high keys, they will tell you the same thing.

“Why would you risk bringing non-meta?”

Counter idea:

When you join a key and the key fails, everyone in the group’s key deranks. You’re not bricking someone else’s key, you’re breaking everyone else’s key.


I would hope so. If it was easy I wouldn’t have any interest, given it’s beyond what I’d need to push for gear.

You’re assuming that without deranking, they would take you, but you’d still be a liability if their goal is to time.

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A key not deranking will not stop this behavior, if you want the key to go up you still need to time it. It does not solve what you are talking about.

Many keys are pugged, the vast majority. Friends are not always around. Hell some of the pugs I play with are better than my friends lol

It prevents them from getting more chances at push keys. You probably dont understand this and thats okay.

You can sit on your high horse all day long. My opinion hasn’t changed. Stop acting like everyone else is too stupid to understand you.

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It depends. The meta class could also be a liability. That is the point. You don’t know at the end of the day when pugging if the meta class player is better than the non-meta class player.

It is why people play safe and only invite meta. If they weren’t punished for trying to invite non-meta players, they would be more inclined to do so.

People can see what IO folks have. Even in the current system people can attempt to be carried.

Yea with enough gold, you can be carried in a +18 allegedly.

But since it’s theoretically possible, should the game encourage such behavior?

Keys that never derank is a bad idea, but won’t be opposed to seeing keys with two or three charges.

Especially when his response to my skepticism over his comparison of time spent between a HC toon and pushing depleted keys was to… show me he had a HC toon.


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It isn’t a high horse, you just don’t understand this. I’ve tried to explain it to you as well.

You say that deranking has nothing to do with inviting meta. I tell you that it does because people are unwilling to risk something that took them hours to get (a good key). If they risks were less (depleteing the key and spending hours pushing it back up), they would be more inclined to take a non-meta dps.

You can go into any good m+ streamers chat and ask them why they only take meta, they will give you the same response.