A Rant - Keys should not derank

A leader forming groups to their +8 until one is good enough to carry is good for nobody. I could agree to your request only if it’s applicable on keys way past the gear threshold so we eliminate that possibility.

This isn’t hyperbolic in the slightest. I’ve done this multiple times. You don’t really have an understanding of high level keys by your statements.

…It is extremely hyperbolic to compare pushing a key up from a depletion to losing an entire character in Classic. Unless you’re talking about a Hardcore run on Retail, for some reason, but A.) why would you do that and B.) why would you use that as an example when it’s so trivial?

Why is it good for nobody? The folks all get to play. People are free to make decisions of who they play with. Why do you assume the person with the 8 key is being carried? Can other players not make mistakes in that key?

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I’m not deflecting I’m holding up a mirror since you made a contrived argument in a post saying that mine was.

I haven’t played in S4 so maybe the gap per level is that massive now. Can you faceroll 1 level and then get completely decimated in the next now?

If they have time to run key level X and want to do so, what is the point in stopping them from doing so?

You can try whatever raid difficulty you want whenever you want even if you’ll fail horribly at it.

You’re on the side of the argument where you want people to not even be able to attempt challenging content. You want them to go down to easier content that isn’t as challenging to them.

If you’re trying to get carried what is stopping you from waiting in queue for much higher geared players to apply to your group on your very first attempt?

Here’s some Jeff Kaplan quotes some of you would benefit from:

The single most important thing to remember when creating a game is that it must be FUN. When someone sits down to play your MMO, they are doing so to be entertained. An MMO should not feel like a job or obligation. It’s very important not to fall into that trap of trying to manipulate your community, as if you’re trying to run an ant farm. As a designer, it’s your responsibility to create a world that’s exciting, challenging, and FUN. It’s not your job to play god over someone’s play experience.

Avoid ant farm syndrome. Don’t play god. Don’t make an ant farm. Social experiment is not the goal of the game. A lot of designers stop playing games when they start making games, because they are playing with the players. That is fun for the designer, not the player.

I spent more time repushing homework the past two seasons keys then it took to take my warrior 1-60 in hardcore wow.

I don’t have firsthand experience, only accounts from here and the semi-objective info from WoWHead. I’d trust anecdotes from people here pretty readily on that front, though.

So pug keys will be even harder to time. Just what we need!

You’re implying pushing keys takes ages, when it takes at most 30 minutes, and that’s often fast enough to +2 which would put you 1 above where you were before.
Your personal time management is not M+'s problem.

You are able to see what a players score is. Are you unable to decide who you will do a key with?

The higher geared players quickly realized you’re there to get carried, they leave, leader just makes another group since key is still a +8.

Do you have this in empirical data or am I just supposed to nod my head and walk away because you said it’s longer?

I don’t know how many keys you pushed. I don’t know any of the relevant data to make any conclusion off of this even if it is true and I find the likelihood that it’s true slim, unless you dropped said HC Warrior immediately.

But in your very example, you’re giving people free reign to attempt carries.

Yea, your friends carried someone through a 16, now they’re in the pool with elevated rating that they didn’t earn.

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this enough proof for ya big guy?

Would they not do this before the run even started? They can see how much more geared they are than the other people before the run starts.

No? Why would this be proof of anything? My doubt wasn’t that you had a HC Warrior lmao.

With keys not deranking, someone with enough time and will, but no skills, can do keys over and over and get the ilvl and keys completion. Now if we had the incomplete keys info available, it would be a different story.


I see your reasons for thinking that running your own key isn’t practical, but every key being run is someone running their own key. :woman_shrugging:

I dont know you said dropped a hardcore warrior. Thought that would be enough. You can watch streams of people repushing keys. I don’t really have empirical data on this but you can try it out yourself.

Get all your keys to say like a 13, then try pushing to a 14 only using your own key.

Of course they want to succeed, but if they weren’t good enough, getting the chance to improve your gear and skills in an easier level, to be better prepared the next time isn’t a bad thing.

If anything, I’d say a small window of being over time (say 30 seconds) could let the key stay the same level to give groups that were right at the cusp a redo.