A Rant - Keys should not derank

I deeply dislike this for reasons previously stated.

in this blue post.

yeah this would rule! I would love that about like 12 keys or whatever they are stopping the affixes at.

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I’m not a fan of loot removal or vault credit removal. It doesn’t make things fun, and is there just because. No one really needs loot, but tertiaries exist.

Yeah I’ll have to defer to players like you, Faux, and Tortilla since I’m not playing at those levels. I can understand how some might be frustrated by the current system, but since it isn’t affecting me in any way, don’t really want to try to claim to know better.

The idea is that keystones would still exist and could be used for groups that like the current system or want to have a chance at those tertiaries. Teams would basically be trading the possibility of loot for the benefit of being able to select to run a key at any level (up to where they’ve already timed in the season) at any time, even if nobody in the group is holding that key. There are all sorts of issues if players could select a key directly for both score and loot, this was an attempt to help out players pushing score without opening up that can of worms.

I would be down for this.

With Key: Loot, Vault, Score
Without Key: Only Score, No Key Upgrades, No Loot, No Vault

The without key option would help after the gearing phase later in the season, but they might have to find a way to differentiate No Key Scores vs Key Scores for the purposes of titles.

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Removal of gear doesn’t make the game more fun though.

And even if it didn’t give score, timing a key just to prove it for public record when people have done so elsewhere, doesn’t feel good either.

He’s suggesting both would exist simultaneously. The people going for just score would be the one’s who don’t need gear anymore. Basically anyone pushing past 8s right now.

And I’m saying those for score keys giving gear would only make the game better.

I’m not understanding can you rephrase

If keys are not to deplete in such a way, they should not have their rewards stripped.

I think what he is suggesting is independent and separate from the OP. Keys would still deplete as they do now.

There would be two options for players.

  1. Use of a key that degrades when failed, gives end of dungeon loot, gives vault.

  2. Use of a font to pick a key level +1 of the lowest players timed for that dungeon.

    • With the caveat that it would give no end of dungeon loot and no vault.

Players would have the option to use keys if they need gear, those who are bis’d out would be able to run for just score.

You would still have players filling vault with key runs and then switch over to font runs for score. He isn’t suggesting removing rewards from M+.

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That’s a bad design.

The principle in itself is bad.

Yeah Sosari summarized it quite nicely so I won’t repeat. My idea is just another option for players. Keys would function exactly as they do today and groups are welcome to continue to use them if that suits their needs more than this new idea.

That’s not much of a counter argument. Can you explain how it is bad design?

Basically - who wants loot removed at the end of a high key?

Would it improve the game any anyway if some keys suddenly didn’t give credit for loot or vault? People want the keys to not deplete.

Which is fine, but why ask for loot or vault credit removal? Who does this help, does anyone want this?

Greatly encourages coordinated group play and consistent schedules / hours of investment over long periods of time to earn rewards.

I don’t think most players running high keys are looking for loot. If they are, they would still have the option to run high keys with keys.

What do you mean “some keys”? It wouldn’t be random. The groups would decide to use a key when they form the group or use the font for no loot. It would be a mutual decision.

The loot removal is to counteract the discussion we had about the negative consequences of keys not depleting. This way the system with keys depleting is maintained while giving players who only want score to be able to play without loot, if they choose to.

I suspect most players would still use keys even after they’ve filled their vault. It’s not really hard to find a +8 X if there is any possibility that you’d benefit from the loot as well as possibly the score.

Nobody, but that’s the price you’re paying to not require the group to have a specific key that you want to run for score. This is in response to players who don’t fancy spending 4 hours rerunning keys fishing for the exact key they need; at no point was my idea intended to replace keys for players who don’t have those homework keys and/or enjoy the process as it exists today.

If they didn’t count score earned from the font towards Title, it would only be for players who want to be challenged and push for score. I would say anyone from the 90th to 99th percentile. I usually push to about 98-99th percentile and don’t go for title.

I don’t think most players running high keys are looking for loot. If they are, they would still have the option to run high keys with keys.

They’re not, but that’s not an argument that removing loot would improve the experience.

What do you mean “some keys”? It wouldn’t be random. The groups would decide to use a key when they form the group or use the font for no loot. It would be a mutual decision.

Yea a subsection of keys (or maybe majority) will not give loot. Just score.

The loot removal is to counteract the discussion we had about the negative consequences of keys not depleting. This way the system with keys depleting is maintained while giving players who only want score to be able to play without loot, if they choose to.

It does but in a very awkward manner. And depending on how community reacts to it, it might make pugging hell because of score inflation.

Which is why it doesn’t have to exist. There doesn’t have to be a price.