A Rant - Keys should not derank

Yea, so that’s not really how M+ works for a lot of players.

People who don’t want to run many dungeons a week actually just try to hit gear ilvl cutoff levels as high as we possibly can so we hope to get an easier dungeon key of the highest level we can do, even if it’s a struggle and not a guarantee every time we run it. If we don’t have one or a friend with one, we then try to pug that level. Gamble with that single high ilvl vault slot since they don’t want to run that level several times a week.

They’re not trying to be at the top of a leaderboard.

They don’t care about how you play or what you’re doing.

Maybe once they have gear they’ll then try to get achievements if they care or whatever.

They may begrudgingly do dungeons they don’t like occasionally for the score but they aren’t M+ enthusiasts running dozens of them a week.

Nonsense. People get frustrated and quit the game entirely if you make it a pain to even access the content.

Plenty of people would try multiple attempts to unlock vault level X but if you make it a pain to attempt it, they’ll just give up and go do something else entirely.

Will still be at risk of doing that with deranking removal because there’ll be more groups trying to overpower, and fail, +8 keys.

If that’s what they want to do with their game-time that’s their business.

You’re trying to gatekeep people even attempting something for some reason. Why do you care if they fail? Make your group how you want it and let other people do what they’re doing.

No, I want less groups in the dungeon finder doing content they don’t yet belong because WoW players are notoriously bad at acknowledging when they don’t belong, which is one of the attribute deranking helps with.

Depletion barely affects the median pug player.

Ok, keys no longer go down a level if you miss the timer.

Keys that go over time no longer count for the vault nor do they drop loot.

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Tbf I think OP would take that deal.

Yes they should.

Perhaps, ya’ know… Join a guild in this MMORPG to prevent it.

I’d be fine with this and keys still going down a level.

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Yeah I’m certain if I was pushing that deep into the reverse funnel I might have the chance to gain celebrity status. But around 3K, nobody is inviting a feral druid when they have 9 of the FOTM spec with similar credentials in queue.

Thoughts about keys not going down, but each depletion is -1 to score?

(Two highest keys are counted.) And since depletion comes out of the previous key, it’ll take two timed runs in succession for a given dungeon for a non-penalized score.

You have ant-farm syndrome.

The single most important thing to remember when creating a game is that it must be FUN. When someone sits down to play your MMO, they are doing so to be entertained. An MMO should not feel like a job or obligation. It’s very important not to fall into that trap of trying to manipulate your community, as if you’re trying to run an ant farm. As a designer, it’s your responsibility to create a world that’s exciting, challenging, and FUN. It’s not your job to play god over someone’s play experience.

Avoid ant farm syndrome. Don’t play god. Don’t make an ant farm. Social experiment is not the goal of the game. A lot of designers stop playing games when they start making games, because they are playing with the players. That is fun for the designer, not the player.

Well I’ve said I prefer the suggestion of using the Delve style UI to pick a specific level over what this thread is about, but not de-ranking is still a slight improvement for people in the situation I described.

In season 1 for example my group of 3 would sometimes get 1 useful key or sometimes 0 for the week and we’d just be trying to get one high level run a week. If we messed up our one shot it was a pain to get it done.

It also depends on dungeon balance. You might have been able to +20 a SMBG at a much lower gear level than you could do any of the others for example.

failure rates going up is less fun.

You can have fun in a key level you belong. Why do you equate fun to the highest gear?

Have you considered that it’s none of your business what level dungeon I try and you should stop trying to tell people where they belong?

It’s my business if you invite pugs.

For I may be one of them.

Blizzard and third party addons already give you a lot of tools to discriminate both in terms of groups you want to join and when you’re making a group of your own.

Be as picky as you want but stop trying to control what other people are doing.

I don’t want to go through the hassle of vetting everyone just to not have a potential of an outright carry.

No, none of those tools include failed attempts. If it did, I would be inclined to agree with you. Until it does, nope.

I’d rather not deal with anxietymaxers or superflakes who want to re-start the key becsuse of one bad pull